Transaction list

The transaction list reveals all transaction activity that has been recorded by C\Prof. Using the transaction list, you can perform the following actions:

  • Filter and sort the list
  • Add or remove transaction information columns from the display
  • Save commonly used column configurations for later use
  • Select a transaction to view its application events or to conduct program analysis

C\\Prof Web UI Transaction List C\Prof Web UI transaction list

Review the following sections to get started.

Opening the transaction list - single region

To browse a list of transactions that have been recorded in a single CICS region, complete the following steps:

Card layout

If you are using the card layout (Card layout), complete the following steps:

  1. Find the CICS region you are interested in.
  2. Click the zoom button (Zoom).

Table layout

If you are using the table layout (Table layout), complete the following steps:

  1. Find the CICS region you are interested in.
  2. Click the expand button (Expand) to reveal the actions that may be taken against this CICS region.
  3. Click the zoom button (Zoom).

Opening the transaction list - groups and multiregion operation (MRO)

To browse a list of transactions that have been recorded in a group of CICS regions, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the card layout (Card layout).
  2. Find the group you are interested in.
  3. In the group action bar, click the zoom button (Zoom).

Filtering transactions

Use the transaction filter to find transactions of interest to you. To filter the transaction list, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the expand button (Expand) to reveal the filter.
  2. Enter a time range.

    Use the time range filter to select only those transactions that occurred within the time range you specify. The time range can be specified as a time relative to the current wall time, or you can specify an absolute time range with specific upper and lower bounds.

    • To specify a relative time range:

      1. Click the RELATIVE button.
      2. Enter a value in the From field and a unit of time using the Time units drop down (Down).
      3. If you would like to round the time range down to the earliest whole unit of measure, select the checkbox. This feature allows you to expand the downward time range to align with the nearest second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year.
    • To specify an absolute time range:

      1. Click the ABSOLUTE button.
      2. Enter the start of the time range using the Start Date and Start Time fields, and the end of the time range in the Stop Date and Stop Time fields.

    The resulting time range is displayed at the top of the filter.

  3. Add additional transaction identification and performance filtering criteria (as desired).

    You can filter the transaction list further by entering additional transaction identification and performance filtering criteria beneath the time range filter. You can enter more than one filtering criteria by clicking the add button (Add circle outline). To remove criteria, click the remove button (Remove circle outline).

    To enter transaction identification and performance filtering criteria:

    1. Select a filtering field using the dropdown (Down). Depending on the filtering field you select, the label text next to the field will change to reflect the kind of filtering that will take place.
    2. Enter a value for your filtering field in the space provided. Enter units of time in seconds.

    The criteria you have selected is displayed alongside your time range filtering criteria next to the collapse button (Collapse).

  4. Click the refresh button (Refresh) to apply all filters and reload the transaction list.

Tip: To share your filtered transaction list with others, use the send button (Send) to copy the URL from your browser's address bar and then paste into an email or other communication method of your choice.


The following filter selects only those transactions collected in the last 3 days with trancode BPMT and a response time of greater than 1 second:

CProf Web UI transaction list filter C\Prof Web UI transaction list filter

Columns available for transactions

The following columns are available in the transaction list. See Column configurations to configure your column settings.

Column name Meaning
ABEND code The abnormal termination code, if the transaction terminated abnormally
APPLID The CICS region name
TCB Switch Count Number of TCB mode switches that occurred
Application Processing Time The elapsed time processing in application code
Business Activity Count Number of business activity calls performed by the application
Business Activity Time Time spent processing CICS Business Transaction Services processes and activities
CICS VRM CICS Version Release Modification level
EXEC CICS Count Number of EXEC CICS calls performed by the application
EXEC CICS Time The elapsed time processing EXEC CICS calls
DB2 Count Total number of EXEC SQL requests issued by the transaction
DB2 Plan The DB2 plan name
DB2 Time The elapsed time processing EXEC SQL calls to DB2
Document Handler Count Total number of document handler requests issued by the transaction
Document Handler Time Time spent processing document handler requests
First Dispatch Time The time taken to dispatch the initial program for the first time
Event Publishing Count Total number of event-related requests issued by the transaction
Event Publishing Time Time spent processing event-related requests
Group The CICS group name, specified in the collector configuration file
Interval Control Count Total number of interval control requests issued by the transaction
Interval Control Time The elapsed time spent in interval control
IMS Count Total number of calls to IMS by the transaction
IMS Time The elapsed time processing EXEC DLI calls to IMS-DBCTL
JCICS Count Total number of JCICS calls by the transaction
JCICS Time The elapsed time spent processing JCICS calls
Job Name Name of the job running the CICS region
Journaling Count Number of journaling requests by the transaction
Journaling Time The elapsed time spent processing journaling calls
Leap Second Offset Leap second correction offset applid to time fields
MQ Count The number of EXEC MQ calls by the transaction
MQ Time The elapsed time spent processing EXEC MQ calls
Named Counter Count Number of named counter calls performed by the transaction
Named Counter Time Time spent in processing named counter calls
Network Name Name of the system on the network
Network UOW Name of the network unit of work id
ENQ/DEQ Count Combined number of enqueue and dequeue requests by the transaction
ENQ/DEQ Time The elapsed time spent during enqueue and dequeue
Program Control Count Number of program control requests by the transaction
Program Control Time The elapsed time spent in program control
Program Any program used by the transaction
Response Time The overall response time, in seconds
Recovery UOW Unit of work (unit of recovery) ID for this task
Virtual Storage Count Number of virtual storage requests performed
Virtual Storage Time Time spent processing virtual storage requests
Start Date Start/arrival date of the transaction
Start Time Start/arrival time of the transaction
Stop Date Ending date of the transaction
Stop Time Ending time of the transaction
SYNCPOINT Count Number of syncpoint requests issued
SYNCPOINT Time The elapsed syncpoint time (explicit and implicit)
Task Number The CICS task number
Terminal Count Total number of Terminal Control and APPC requests
Terminal Time Time spent in Terminal Control and APPC requests
Transient Data Count Total number of transient data calls by the transaction
Transient Data Time Elapsed time spent processing transient data calls
Terminal Terminal or session identifier
Timestamp The time at which the user task was attached
Tran The CICS transaction ID
Tran Key Internal transaction key
Temporary Storage Count Total number of temporary storage calls by the transaction
Temporary Storage Time The time spent processing temporary storage calls
Unique ID Uniquely identifies the transaction to C\Prof
Unique ID of the owning group Uniquely identifies the owning group
Unique ID of the owning region Uniquely identifies the owning region
User ID The security user id, typically the RACF user ID
VSAM File Count Total number of VSAM file requests issued by the transaction
VSAM File Time The elapsed time processing VSAM file calls
WEB Count Total number of web and services calls by the transaction
WEB Time The elapsed time processing web and services
XML Count Total number of object translation requests made by the transaction
XML Time Time elapsed in the object translation service, parsing and generating XML or JSON

Sorting by column

Columns in the transaction list can be sorted by clicking the column heading. The arrow to the right of the column heading text indicates the currently selected sort order.

Conducting detailed transaction analysis

To conduct detailed analysis of a specific transaction, click the expand button (Expand). In this panel you can perform the following tasks:

  • Drill down to view a transaction's application and trace events by clicking the zoom button (Zoom). For more information, see Application and trace events.
  • Summarizing a transaction's activity across programs and components by clicking the program analysis button (Program analysis) button. For more information, see Program analysis.