
The CICS control statement enables collection from the specified CICS region. The region must reside on the same LPAR as the collector.

You can create a unique configuration for a specific CICS region by inserting additional control statements after the CICS control statement. Statements specified for individual CICS regions override any competing settings defined at a global or group level.

Insert additional CICS control statements in the following circumstances:

  • You want to use a specific data set naming patter for the group using the ARCHDSN control statement (see ARCHDSN=pattern).

  • You want to define specific data set allocation attributes for a CICS region using the SUMMARY, DETAIL, and AUXILIARY control statements (see SUMMARY, DETAIL, and AUXILIARY).

  • You want to use a specific trace settings for a CICS region using the ACTIVATETRACE, RESETTRACE, and STNTRxx control statements (see Control statements for internal trace data collection and control).

  • You want to increase or decrease the level of recorded detail when recording for profiling in this CICS region using the LEVEL control statement (see LEVEL=value).

  • You want to filter profiling data collected from the internal trace for this CICS region using the TRAN, EXCLUDETRAN, PROGRAM, RESPONSE, or ABEND control statements (see Control statements for transaction filtering).

You can also create unique configurations for groups of CICS regions using the GROUP and GROUPEND control statements (see GROUP=name and GROUPEND)