Rocket C\Prof Glossary

The following is a list of terms that describe the functions and features of the collection process.

Glossary of terms

Terms Description
Archive data sets Transaction information collected by the C\Prof collector is written to archive data sets. There are two types of archive data set: summary and detail.
Auxiliary trace data set Data set containing CICS trace entries.
Checkpoint data set The checkpoint data set is a VSAM KSDS that is used by the collector to keep track of the data sets created by collection.

The checkpoint data set is then used by the ISPF dialog to locate the data sets required for transaction and trace event analysis.
CICS internal trace Contains trace entries produced by CICS. The CICS internal trace table is a circular buffer that is allocated at CICS initialization and exists for the lifetime of the CICS run. Old entries are overwritten by new entries produced by ongoing activity in CICS.
CICS region A CICS Transaction Server address space. The region is eligible for transaction profiling when specified in the configuration file.
Collector The started task that performs collection of internal trace data from CICS regions.
Configuration file Series of control statements read from the SYSIN DD at start up to identify the CICS regions and specify collection settings.
Discover Locates the active regions on the LPAR and builds a configuration that can be used directly for trace collection or as a basis for additional modifications.
Group Multiple CICS Transaction Server regions that can be controlled and monitored as a single entity. Logically related CICS regions, for example the TOR, AOR, FOR and DOR can be defined as a group so that their monitoring is controlled as if they were a single CICS region, including starting and stopping of monitoring and sharing archive data sets. Groups also support multiregion operation (MRO).
Import Import CICS auxiliary trace data sets into the C\Prof transaction profiler.
Java class library for CICS (JCICS) A set of Java classes and methods that allows applications that are written in Java to access CICS-managed resources in a similar way to the CICS API that is used for applications that are written in procedural languages such as COBOL and PL/I.
Multiregion operation (MRO) Communication between CICS systems in the same processor without the use of SNA network facilities. This allows several CICS systems in different regions to communicate with each other, and to share resources such as files, terminals, and temporary storage.
Operator commands MVS system commands that can be used to issue collection requests and administrative functions to the C\Prof collection server.
Record for transaction profiling Transaction information is written to archive data sets by collecting the CICS internal trace.
Record to auxiliary trace data sets Start capturing the CICS internal trace to auxiliary trace data sets. Provides a similar function to the CICS auxiliary trace.
Snap (snapshot) Take a back-in-time snapshot of the internal trace and write it to an auxiliary trace data set. Use with your automation tools to automatically capture problems in CICS.
Trace points Trace points are included at specific points in CICS code. From these points, trace entries are written to the CICS internal trace. Some trace points are used to make exception traces when exception conditions occur, and some are used to trace the mainline execution of CICS code. CICS trace points are organized by CICS domain. You can also write your own custom trace entries from your own application code.
Web UI A Java web application supplied with C\Prof that runs in a z/OS UNIX-based web application server. Access the Web UI via a web browser.