Control statements that set the level of detail for profiling The control statements to the left control the level of detail required when recording for profiling. Introduction► What is Rocket C\Prof?Multiple trace capture modesImport CICS auxiliary trace data sets and dump filesEnterprise-wide data capture and controlMeasurement across the application lifecycleA complete understanding of your CICS applicationMinimum operating requirementsAbout this documentInitial Setup► Getting startedBefore you beginSetup procedureFor C\Prof ISPF users and systems administrators► Enterprise-wide data collection and analysis► Profiling CICS transactionsRecording the CICS internal trace for transaction profilingDisplaying transactions recorded in a CICS regionBrowsing the transaction listDiving into transaction and program detail► Creating and analyzing C\Prof auxiliary trace data setsTaking a snapshot of the CICS internal traceRecording to auxiliary trace data setsOpening registered auxiliary trace data setsBrowsing trace entriesImporting auxiliary trace data sets into the profilerCreating and viewing your own trace entriesAutomatic problem capture with event-driven snap► Managing data collection across a sysplexExpanding your collection topology to CICS regions in other LPARsReviewing collection status across your topologyCollecting from CICS regions that use multiregion operation (MRO)Splitting collectors for operational managementConfiguring automatic internal trace control for specific CICS regionsCleaning up old collection data via housekeepingConfiguring for optimum performanceControlling the collector via operator commands► Working with auxiliary trace data setsPersonal viewRegistered viewCreating an auxiliary trace data set report.► Ad hoc batch data collectionSnap the CICS internal traceRecord for transaction profilingRecord to auxiliary trace data setsImport an auxiliary trace data set into the profilerCreate an auxiliary trace data set from a CICS dump using IPCS► Collector referenceSample JCL► Configuration filesDiscover CICS regions and create a configuration filePerforming a syntax check of your configuration file► Collection modes (modes of operation)Multi-user data collection (SERVER)Ad hoc batch data collectionControl statement summary► Control statement reference► Control statements for managing archive and auxiliary trace data setsCHECKPT=data-set-nameARCHDSN=patternAUXTRSW=option+PREFIX=data-set-name-prefixSUMMARY, DETAIL, and AUXILIARYOUTDD=ddname-patternBLKSIZE=valueINDD=pattern► Control statements to define CICS regions and assign groupsCICS=jobnameGROUP=name and GROUPEND► Control statements for client request processingSOCKET=zFS-path-namePERMISSIONS=octal-numeric-valueXCFGROUP=group-nameMAXDURATION=value unitsWRAP► Control statements for collector startup and shutdownSERVICE=service-class-nameLIMIT=value units► Control statements that set the level of detail for profilingLEVEL=valueSIZE=value► Control statements for internal trace data collection and controlTRACECONTROLACTIVATETRACE=(level [,START [,upsize][,recording-mode])RESETTRACE=(level [,RESET] | [,STOP | START [,downsize]])STNTRxx=level► Control statements for transaction filteringTRAN=(name1,name2, )EXCLUDETRAN=(name1,name2, )PROGRAM=(name1,name1,...)RESPONSE=(minimum,maximum)ABEND=option► Control statements for multiregion operation (MRO)MRO=YES | NO► Additional control statementsWORKFILEFor C\Prof Web UI users► C\Prof Web UILogging on and offSelecting a region layoutRecording CICS transactions► Analyzing recorded transactionsTransaction listApplication and trace eventsProgram analysisTaking a snap of the CICS internal traceColumn configurationsReferences► TroubleshootingMessages and Codes► Web UI application serverStarting and stoppingConfigurationGenerating a keyringGlossarySummary of changes