Rocket® Zara™
Secure, protect, audit, and monitor tape media management for the mainframe
Monitor valuable IT data for the mainframe while providing real-time access to the tape management customization
Automated Tape Management
Rocket Zara is an online media management system for physical, virtual, and cloud tape data. Rocket Zara secures, protects, audits, and monitors critical business data in a z/OS® mainframe environment, or in the cloud through its integration with Rocket® Cloud Connector.

Easy to Use
Rocket Zara provides easy-to-use formatted screens, simple operator commands, and online options for customizing the system with efficient tape management automation. Rocket Zara tracks all dataset contents on a volume, determines tape status, and performs its own database maintenance.
Rocket Zara tape management software includes many features, such as virtual tape volume support, SAF security, SMP/E support, alphanumeric volser support, real-time peer-to-peer communication with silo devices, real-time off-site storage management, external label printing, and electronic vaulting support. Rocket Zara tracks the physical location and contents of every volume, whether in the data center, off-site, or in the cloud, and provides this information through online displays and hard copy reports.
Rocket Zara:
- Protects your important tapes and data from untimely expiration or costly overwrites
- Tracks the physical location and status of every volume in your library, including transient and off-site tape
- Ensures that the most current versions of your critical data are safely backed-up and stored offsite
- Supplies Operations with a well-documented, easy-to-follow audit trail of all tape activities
Zara Provides:
- Comprehensive, online, real-time data access and updates
- Transient tape management increases your control
- Easy online definition of retention values with no JCL changes
- Maximum flexibility with multiple CPU or mainframe environment support
- Direct communication improves ATL operational efficiency
- Open application program interface (API) ensures system integration
- Export and import services provide versatile administrative data management