Rocket® Cloud Connector

Improve business resilience with cloud or on-prem appliances for IBM® z/OS® data backup and recovery

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Reduce mainframe storage costs and keep data secure and accessible

Data storage volume is growing by 65% compounded annually, with worldwide data expected to hit 175 zettabytes by 2025. As data grows, it’s being stored for longer periods than ever before. IBM® z/OS® generates 70% of operational data for banks, retailers, and large enterprises globally.

While critical, this data growth also leads to exorbitant data storage costs, pressure to maintain a healthy data environment, strain on legacy storage solutions, and difficulty meeting compliance.

Moving data that doesn’t require constant recall to the cloud helps reduce storage costs. Using the cloud as secondary storage also allows data to be recovered to any disaster recovery site. However, while 35% of organizations plan to use the cloud to help solve these challenges, many can’t connect to it from production. Now, with Rocket Cloud Connector, you can.

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Advancing Your Data and Analytics Investment to the Next Level


Rocket Cloud Connector


Rocket Cloud Connector