Rocket® C\Prof

Intuitive transaction profiling for IBM® CICS® trace data for faster problem diagnosis in your CICS applications

Identify, visualize, and analyze CICS transactions across multiple regions

Rocket C/Prof delivers observability and accessibility to individual CICS transactions, enabling faster issue identification and resolution. By transforming trace data into an intuitive format, it becomes accessible to more teams, leading to quicker and greater performance optimization.



View full CICS transactions across all regions. Drill down to transaction details for diagnosis, visualization and analysis.


No CICS changes needed for a simple install and minimal system resource use. Intuitive interface empowers application engineers and frees system administrators.


Collect only necessary trace data based on transaction ID or a specific command. Take a point-in-time snapshot of internal trace.

C\Prof image: person looking at screen
Whether collecting data continuously or in short bursts, C\Prof insights allow you to:
  • Select transactions based on criteria.
  • Sift through millions of transactions with powerful find, filter, save, and sort capabilities.
  • Identify programs used by a transaction and the performance profile of each.
  • Follow the program flow across multiple CICS regions.
  • Review application calls made by each program in rich detail with elapsed time analysis.
  • Dive deep into trace events associated with each transaction or application call to identify the cause of a delay or problem.

The difference between Monday, June 5th, 2023, and Monday, June 12th, 2023, in CPU for the transaction was 7 hours 23 minutes 50.662684 seconds and only a 951 reduction in transactions.

Large Insurance Company

