Messages and Codes

C\Prof collector messages are written to SYSPRINT. The purpose of the log is to identify errors and to record collector activity. Messages are displayed in the following format:

date time name TXCXXXXS message-text


  • date

    The date in YYYY-MM-DD format where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD is the day.

  • time

    The time in format where hh is the zero-padded hour between 00 and 23, mm is the zero-padded minute between 00 and 59, and ss.ssssss is the zero-padded second between 00.000000 and 59.999999.

  • name

    The job or system name that the message is referring to. The name may be one of the following values:

    • CICS region name when the message is related to a CICS region.

    • C\Prof job or started task name when the message related to the operation of the C\Prof utility.

    • LPAR name when the message relates to the LPAR or z/OS image where CICS and C\Prof are executing.

  • TXCXXXXS message-text

    The identification code and corresponding text of the message, where TXC indicates a C\Prof message, XXXX is a C\Prof message number between 0000 and 9999, and S is the message severity.

    The severity (S) may be one of the following values:

    • I

      Informational, alerting you to a normal operational event

    • W

      Warning, alerting you to an unexpected event that may need investigating but does not impact operation

    • E

      Error, alerting you to a problem that could not be resolved and requires intervention.

      When the error occurs at start up then the monitor will immediately shut down.

      When the error occurs in an operational task; that task stops or does not proceed. Depending on the severity of the error, other active operation tasks are not impacted. Other errors, for example security violations against data sets force C\Prof to quiesce all work and shut down.

The messages that may be issued by C\Prof are described below.

Messages 0000 - 0099

TXC0001I C\Prof is starting Version=v.r.m.yyyy-mm-dd


The batch utility TXCMAIN is starting.

The C\Prof version and build date (maintenance level) is included in the message for reference and support purposes.

System action

The C\Prof job will start processing the request.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0002I C\Prof has ended CPU Time: MON=seconds OPS=seconds SOC=seconds XCF=seconds TCB=seconds SRB=seconds


The batch utility TXCMAIN is ending.

CPU time statistics are reported in seconds. The following four subtasks execute the C\Prof services:

  • MON

    CICS region profiling and trace collection.

  • OPS

    Operational console commands.

  • SOC

    Socket requests.

  • XCF

    CICS region status checking and Cross-LPAR C\Prof server communications.

System action

The C\Prof job ends immediately.

User response

None. Informational message only.

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Messages 0100 - 0199

TXC0101E CPU does not support new instructions, requires z10 or higher


C\Prof requires z Systems z10 or later to use new machine instructions.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

C\Prof cannot run on this machine type.

TXC0102E ALESERV ADD request failed; RC=code


The MVS cross-memory macro required to access the CICS trace has failed.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Refer to IBM Knowledge Center topic z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN for an explanation of the return code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example increasing the region size, contact product support.

TXC0103E STEPLIB is not APF authorized


The batch utility TXCMAIN must be APF authorized to use the MVS system services required to access the CICS trace.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

There are three methods for authorizing the C\Prof batch utility:

  1. Use the operator command to authorize the C\Prof link library:

    Note: Authorization will be lost after the next IPL.

  2. Add the C\Prof link library to the PROGxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB.
  3. Copy modules TXCMAIN and TXCKEY from the C\Prof link library into the LINKLIST or another APF authorized library. For more information, see Security.

TXC0104E SYSPRINT DD is missing from JCL


SYSPRINT is a required utility DD statement. It contains the activity log and messages associated with batch processing.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Insert //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* into the JCL.

TXC0105E MVS service failed; MACRO=name R15=return-codeR0=reason-code

optional diagnostic information{#txc0105e_mvs_service_failed;_macro_name_r15_return-code}


The MVS system macro has failed. The return (R15) and reason (R0) codes are recorded. Optional diagnostic information may also be recorded.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Refer to IBM Knowledge Center topic z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference for an explanation of the return code and, if applicable, the reason code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example increasing the region size, contact product support.

TXC0106E ABEND is causing shutdown: CODE=code TID=subtask-id


C\Prof has abended and cannot recover.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Contact product support. Provide the symptom dump and the SYSUDUMP if available.

TXC0107E Internal error is causing shutdown


C\Prof has encountered a situation that it cannot recover from.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Contact product support.

TXC0108E SORT request failed; ABEND=code / RC=code


The ISPF dialog has used SORT to order the Transaction List and the request has failed.

System action

The sort order of the Transaction List remains unchanged.

User response

Refer to IBM Knowledge Center topic z/OS DFSORT Messages, Codes and Diagnosis Guide for an explanation of the return code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example increasing the region size, contact product support.

TXC0109E DYNALLOC error EC=error IC=info DSN=datasetname


The request to allocate the DASD data set has failed. Additional IKJ system messages are issued to help explain the cause of the problem. Common DYNALLOC error codes include: EC=9700 IC=0000 Insufficient RACF authority to define a new data set EC=035C IC=0002 If the data set name has a (+1) suffix, for example ARCHDSN=CICS.CPROF.CICSP1.DETL(+1), then the GDG base is not defined.

System action

Data set allocation is used by the batch utility and the ISPF dialog. Processing will stop.

User response

Additional IKJ messages help explain the cause of the problem. Refer to IBM Knowledge Center topic z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for an explanation of the error code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example a RACF security rule change or an IDCAMS DEFINE GDG, contact product support

TXC0110E Monitoring has become short-on-storage


Monitoring and collection of a CICS region has failed to obtain (GETMAIN) a new virtual storage buffer to house the trace data associated with transactions being monitored. Message TXC0105E preceded this message. If the GETMAIN return code is 04 then the monitor has reached its maximum region size. All CICS regions being actively monitored share the monitor's below the bar 2-gigabyte address space, up to the REGION= size specified in the JOB card or EXEC statement.

System action

Once virtual storage has been exhausted then all activity ceases. An orderly shutdown of active collection tasks is attempted.

User response

There are several ways to reduce virtual storage usage:

  1. Increase the region size. Depending on system options, REGION=0M should allow the monitor task to use all available below the bar storage.

  2. If you are monitoring multiple CICS regions then consider splitting the monitor task into multiple jobs.

  3. Consider using transaction (TRAN) filtering in the configuration to collect only those transactions of interest to you. Unlike the other filtering options, transaction filtering occurs when the transaction is attached (starts). If the transaction ID is not matched then it is ignored. All other filtering options require the transaction to be monitored, consuming virtual storage for the life of the transaction. For more information, see TRAN=(name1,name2,...).

  4. Review the LEVEL= configuration setting. LEVEL=3 consumes more virtual storage because every trace entry associated with the transaction is collected. LEVEL=2 only keeps the trace entries required to perform application profiling. Note that each CICS region can specify its own LEVEL= setting. For more information, see LEVEL=value.

TXC0111I WLM service class has been set to service-class-name


The collector Workload Manager (WLM) service class has been set to the value of the SERVICE control statement specified in the configuration file. The MVS Workload Management Service IWMRESET macro was used.

System action

The collector address space continues processing. Its work is now dispatched by MVS using the new service class goals.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0112I SYSPRINT ISGENQ request R15=return-codeR0=reason-code


C\Prof could not obtain control of the SYSPRINT message log. The ISGENQ macro failed with the reported return and reason codes. Exclusive control of SYSPRINT is required to serialize the writing of messages in a multi-tasking environment.

System action

The message is written to SYSPRINT without obtaining control.

User response

Refer to the return and reason codes supplied in the z/OS MVS user's guide topic ISGENQ - Global resource serialization ENQ service in the IBM Knowledge Center for more information. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, then contact product support.

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Messages 0200 - 0299

TXC0200I C\Prof is idle


The CICS regions specified in the configuration file are either not active on the LPAR or collection is waiting on an operator command to proceed.

System action

The collector remains idle while no CICS regions are eligible for collection. Collection will recommence when the CICS regions start or a START operator command is received.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0201W CICS region is not active on LPAR=name


The CICS region specified in the configuration file is not active on the LPAR.

System action

The collector will periodically check for the region to start.

User response

If the CICS region is running and this condition is not expected then verify that the C\Prof collector is running on the same LPAR as the CICS region.

TXC0202E Address Space is not a CICS TS region; JOBID=jobid


The CICS region specified in the configuration file is active on the LPAR but is not a CICS Transaction Server address space.

System action

The CICS region is ignored.

User response

Remove this CICS region from the configuration file.

TXC0203E CICS version is not supported; VRM=vrm


The CICS region specified in the configuration file is not a supported release of CICS Transaction Server. CICS Transaction Server version 4.2 or higher is required.

System action

The CICS region is ignored.

User response

Remove this CICS region from the configuration file.

TXC0204E CICS domain table entry not as expected;NAME=DFHxx INDEX=xxxx VRM=vrm


A Domain Table Entry in the DFHKECB CICS Kernel Control Blocks is not as expected. The CICS domains are described in the SDFHMAC macro DFHSTNDD.*

System action

The CICS region is ignored.

User response

Contact product support.

TXC0206E CICS region was selected multiple times


The CICS region has inadvertently been selected twice. This can occur when wildcard characters are used in CICS region names in the configuration file. The CICS region has been matched to two CICS region definitions.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0207W CICS region is no longer active


The CICS region being monitored has shut down.

System action

Collection for this CICS region is stopped. Collection will resume when the CICS region restarts.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0208E Internal trace starting point could not be located


The calculated starting point in the CICS internal trace did not contain a valid trace entry (as mapped by DFHTREN).

System action

The CICS region is ignored.

User response

If the CICS region has just started then wait for a few seconds and retry the request. If the problem reoccurs, contact product support.

TXC0209W CICS is not ready; Status=Initializing|Terminating|Not executing


The CICS region is currently not processing transactions.

System action

The CICS region is ignored. Collection for this CICS region will not commence until the region completes its restart and is accepting work.

User response

Confirm the status of your CICS region.

TXC0210E Internal trace table is too small. Minimum=512K Actual=nnnK


The CICS internal trace size is less than 512K and is too small to support collection.

System action

The CICS region is ignored.

User response

Use the CETR transaction to increase the internal trace size. The minimum recommended size is 32MB. For more information, see Step 1: Start and configure the CICS internal trace.

TXC0211E Internal trace table was relocated due to a change in size; Before=nnnK After=nnnK


Active monitoring of the CICS internal trace has detected that the trace was relocated in 64-bit storage. This occurs when the trace table size has changed (for example, by using CICS transaction CETR).

System action

Monitoring of the CICS region stops.

User response

Resubmit your collection request and try again.

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Messages 0300 - 0399

TXC0300I Monitoring of internal trace is starting: CICS TS Vv.r (nnn) Size=nnnnnK AP=n EI=n LD=n PG=n RA=n RI=n RM=n XM=n XS=n


Monitoring of the CICS internal trace is starting. The trace table size and the level of the trace categories used by the collector are reported.

System action

The internal trace is continuously monitored and transaction data collected into archive data sets.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0301W The CICS Component Trace Options are not optimal


The level of the trace categories are not optimal for profiling. Collection might not occur or transaction information that is collected may be incomplete.

System action

Collection proceeds but results are unpredictable.

User response

It is recommended that you use the TRACECONTROL control statement to allow C\Prof to automatically set the optimal trace category levels. For more information, see TRACECONTROL.

TXC0302I Monitoring of internal trace has stopped


Monitoring of the CICS internal trace has stopped.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0303E Internal trace is wrapping too quickly; seconds


Monitoring has detected that CICS has overwritten the internal trace buffer that C\Prof is currently processing. This typically occurs when CICS is processing a high-volume workload and is writing trace entries quicker than C\Prof is able to process them. The speed at which the trace wraps around is reported:

  • Wrap=

    The elapsed time that the trace took to wrap. This is calculated using the timestamp of the current internal trace buffer, from when C\Prof started processing it to when the wrap was detected. Note that on a very busy system the internal trace may have wrapped more than once. C\Prof cannot detect whether this happened.

  • Before=

    The estimated wrap speed based on the internal trace buffer timestamps before the wrap was detected.

  • Before:

    The trace buffer contents (previous, current and next) before the wrap was detected.

  • After=

    The estimated wrap speed based on the internal trace buffer timestamps after the wrap was detected.

  • After:

    The trace buffer contents (previous, current and next) after the wrap was detected.

  • Wait=

    The elapsed time of the pause in C\Prof processing prior to the wrap being detected. C\Prof generally pauses for 0.5 seconds while it is keeping up with CICS.

  • WLM:

    Is the Workload Manager dispatching priority (DP=) and service class (SERVICE=) for CICS, followed by the C\Prof address space.

Wrapping can occur suddenly when there is increased activity in CICS, for example a rush of transactions or end-of-day processing. C\Prof can be caught off guard while it is briefly pausing. The wrap speed should be greater than two seconds (ideally around five seconds) to allow C\Prof to be able to keep up. When trace size and wrap speed are not the problem then the C\Prof address space may not be receiving enough CPU cycles to complete its work in time.

System action

Monitoring of the internal trace stops.

User response

The action will depend on the cause of the problem:

  • When the CICS internal trace size is too small

    Use the CICS CETR transaction to increase the size of the internal trace. The minimum recommended size is 32MB.

    More information can be found in Step 1: Start and configure the CICS internal trace.

  • When too many CICS internal trace categories are set

    Use the Component Trace Options (F4) in transaction CETR to review the levels set for each component or domain. Trace level 2 or higher has the potential to flood the trace with additional events (that are not required for profiling). C\Prof profiling only requires trace level 2 for the EI domain.

    Use the ACTIVATETRACE (see ACTIVATETRACE) and STNTRxx (see STNTRxx) control statements in the C\Prof configuration file to control the levels to set in CICS during collection.

  • When the C\Prof address space is not receiving enough CPU cycles

    Run the C\Prof collector with a higher dispatching priority. In Workload Manager (WLM) goal mode, assign C\Prof a service class that is equivalent to or higher than CICS.

    The service class can be set by your site workload manager policy or the SERVICE control statement in the configuration file. For more information, see SERVICE=service-class-name.

  • When the C\Prof job is monitoring too many CICS regions

    Consider splitting the C\Prof job into two or more jobs. Splitting will incur no additional overhead and may reduce the overhead of C\Prof collection.

Alternatively, use automatic internal trace control to automatically increase the trace size for the duration of collection. For more information, see Configuring automatic internal trace control for specific CICS regions.

TXC0304E Monitoring of the internal trace has stopped; ABEND CODE=code


An abend occurred while processing the CICS internal trace, usually the result of a CICS region becoming unavailable. Look for message TXC0207W (if present) for additional information.

System action

Monitoring of the internal trace stops.

User response

No action required if the CICS region has stopped. Recovery proceeds as normal. If this problem was not caused by the unavailability of a CICS region, contact product support.

TXC0305I Heartbeat TI=hh:mm:ss xx=nn


A heartbeat message is issued in response to the HEARTBEAT operator command. One message is issued per active CICS region. Statistical and diagnostic counters provide information about recent activity (TI=Time interval in HH:MM:SS format) The following counters provide information about monitoring and collection:

  • BP=Number of 4K internal trace buffers processed

  • AT=Number of CICS transactions that were attached

  • IN=Number of CICS transactions that were monitored

  • OT=Number of CICS transactions that were collected

  • VS=Amount of Virtual Storage (in megabytes) that is currently allocated for monitoring and collection purposes

The other counters are used for diagnosis.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

None. Information only.

TXC0306W Internal Trace is stopped; use CETR to start it


The CICS internal trace is stopped. The trace entries required for profiling transactions are not available.

System action

The CICS region is still monitored but collection will not occur.

User response

When you are ready to commence collection then use the CETR transaction to start the internal trace. Monitoring has remained active while the internal trace is stopped. Therefore collection will recommence when the required trace entries become available. For more information, see Step 1: Start and configure the CICS internal trace.

TXC0307W Master System Trace Flag is off; use CETR to start it


The CICS Master System Trace Flag is off. The trace entries required for profiling transactions are not available.

System action

The CICS region is still monitored but collection will not occur.

User response

When you are ready to commence collection then use the CETR transaction to start the master trace. Monitoring has remained active while the internal trace is stopped. Therefore collection will recommence as the required trace entries become available. For more information, see Step 1: Start and configure the CICS internal trace.

TXC0308E MRO group member is going out in sympathy with failed CICS region


Monitoring has stopped because another member of the MRO=YES group has failed with message TXC0303E. When monitoring fails for one region in an MRO=YES group then monitoring stops for every region in the group. Stopping all regions avoids the situation where MRO transactions are collected with incomplete information.

System action

Monitoring of the internal trace stops.

User response

Apply the corrective actions described in TXC0303E to the failed CICS region.

TXC0310W Internal Trace wrapping was tolerated, data was lost


A recording has ended normally, however one or more trace wrapping conditions were detected. Collection temporarily stopped during this time resulting in the loss of trace information. Message TXC0303E was issued when each wrap condition occurred and the recording momentarily stopped. The results of collection will be incomplete.

System action


User response

If the data loss was significant, for future recording sessions, apply the corrective actions described in TXC0303E to the failed CICS region.

TXC0380E CONFIG DD is missing from JCL


The DISCOVER request writes an initial configuration member to the CONFIG DD data set. It is a required DD statement.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Insert the CONFIG DD statement into the JCL.

TXC0381E No CICS regions were discovered


The DISCOVER request did not locate any active CICS regions on the LPAR.

System action

Processing stops. The resulting configuration will not contain any CICS regions.

User response

Ensure that the DISCOVER job ran on the same LPAR as the CICS regions you want to monitor.

TXC0382I CICS region was discovered: CICS TS Vv.r (nnn) Size=nnnnK seconds TRMF=flags


The DISCOVER request has located the CICS region.

System action

The CICS region job name is inserted into the initial configuration.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0383I nn CICS regions were discovered


The DISCOVER request has ended successfully. One or more CICS regions were located.

System action

The CICS regions were inserted into the initial configuration.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0384I nn groups were created for regions with connections


The DISCOVER WITHGROUPING request detected (CONNECTION and IPCONN) intercommunication between the CICS regions. CICS regions that connect to each other are grouped together in the configuration with the MRO=YES option. This enables profiling to track a transaction across all the regions where it executed. The group names are generated, for example GROUP001.

System action

The groups and their CICS regions are inserted into the configuration. The CICS regions without connections are listed (ungrouped) at the end of the configuration.

User response

Edit the configuration member and change the generated group names to something meaningful.

TXC0385E CONFIG data set must be RECFM=FB and LRECL=80


The DISCOVER request has failed to write the configuration member to the CONFIG DD data set. The required DCB attributes are RECFM=FB and LRECL=80.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Correct the configuration data set allocation attributes.

TXC0386E CONFIG data set member name not specified


The DISCOVER request has failed to write the configuration member to the CONFIG DD data set. The data set must be a PDS or library with member name specified.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Correct the CONFIG DD statement in the JCL to include the member name.

TXC0387I Starting CONFIG written to DSN=


The DISCOVER request has successfully written a starting configuration member to the reported data set name.

System action

The DISCOVER request has completed and processing will end.

User response

Complete the configuration process prior to commencing collection.

TXC0388I IDCAMS DEFINE GDG commands written to DSN=


The DISCOVER or CHECK request has written IDCAMS JCL for creating GDG base definitions to the reported data set name.

System action

The request completes.

User response

Review the IDCAMS JCL to ensure that the GDG base definitions are as expected and then submit the job to create them. Collection can proceed after the GDG base definitions have been defined.

TXC0389I IDCAMS DEFINE GDG commands are not required


The DISCOVER or CHECK request did not detect any CICS regions that use GDG archive data sets.

System action

The request completes.

User response

This message can be ignored when you are using dynamic archive data sets, not GDG archive data sets. If you are expecting to use GDG archive data sets then verify that the archive data set name pattern specifies a GDG, for example ARCHDSN=+PREFIX.+CICS.+TYPE(+1)

TXC0390I SNAP of internal trace is starting:CICS TS Vv.r (nnn) Size=nnnnK Copied=nnnnK


The SNAP request is starting. The entire CICS internal trace has been (deep) copied to the SNAP address space, ready for writing to DASD.

Size is the size, in kilobytes, of the CICS internal trace.

Copied is the amount of trace data copied from CICS into the SNAP address space.

Typically Size and Copied will be the same value, indicating that the entire CICS internal trace has been copied and then snapped. When Copied is less than Size then the CICS internal trace table contains buffers that have not yet been used. When Copied is greater than Size then SNAP has detected, after completing one loop of the trace, some new buffers that are also eligible for SNAP.

System action

The CICS internal trace buffers will be written to the auxiliary trace data set.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0391I SNAP to trace data set is complete; nnnnnK bytes written to DSN=name


The SNAP request is ended successfully.

System action

The reported amount of trace data was written to the auxiliary trace data set.

User response

Use the C\Prof ISPF dialog option 3 Trace to browse the auxiliary trace data set.

TXC0392E SNAP trace data set is missing from JCL; DD=DFHAUXT


The specified DD statement is missing from the SNAP request JCL. This auxiliary trace data set DD is required for output.

System action

The SNAP request fails.

User response

Insert the required DD statement into the JCL.

TXC0393E SNAP trace data set is full; DSN=name


The auxiliary trace data set being written to by SNAP is not large enough to contain the entire CICS internal trace.

System action

The SNAP request stops, resulting in a truncated auxiliary trace data set. The most recent trace entries will not be available.

User response

Increase the size of the auxiliary trace data set.

TXC0394E SNAP failed to write trace data to DSN=name


SNAP encountered a problem while writing trace buffers to the auxiliary trace data set. The SNAP job output JESMSGLG might contain an I/O error message.

System action

The SNAP request stops and the auxiliary trace data set may be empty or truncated.

User response

Verify that there is not a problem with the auxiliary trace data set allocation.

TXC0395I SNAP trace data set BLKSIZE=nnnnn


BLKSIZE=4096 is required if you want to use the CICS trace utility print program (DFHTU700). This is the default for new data sets.

BLKSIZE=28672 is the maximum BLKSIZE. Snap processes faster (less elapsed and CPU time) with a larger BLKSIZE because the IO (EXCP) count is lower. BLKSIZE=28672 requires more DASD space because there is only one block per track.

BLKSIZE=24576 is the largest BLKSIZE that writes two blocks per track. BLKSIZE=4096 and BLKSIZE=24576 use approximately the same amount of DASD.

System action

The SNAP trace data set was created with the reported BLKSIZE.

User response

The BLKSIZE you select depends on what utility you intend to use to analyze the trace data set. If you intend only to use the C\Prof Trace Events browser then specify BLKSIZE=24576 in the JCL DD statement:


This will ensure that snap runs as quickly as possible while optimizing DASD space usage.

TXC0396W Partial SNAP only to trace data set; nnnnnK bytes written to DSN=name


The SNAP request has ended prematurely because the auxiliary trace data set is full.

System action

The reported amount of trace data was written to the auxiliary trace data set. The most recent trace entries will not be available.

User response

Refer to action described in message TXC0393E.

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Messages 0400 - 0499

TXC0400I Configuration was read successfully; DD=name


The configuration file was processed successfully.

System action

The request proceeds.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0401E Configuration processing encountered an error; DD=name


The configuration file was not processed successfully. The cause can be a control statement syntax error or omission. A previous error message will have described the problem.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0402E Mode of operation is not specified


The configuration file does not contain the mode of operation that describes the request type. Modes of operation include RECORD FOR PROFILING, RECORD TO AUXTRACE, IMPORT, SNAP, DISCOVER and REPORT.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0403E No CICS regions specified


The configuration file does not contain any CICS regions.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0404E Syntax error on line xxxxx at or around column xx


The configuration file (or SYSIN command input stream) has a syntax error at the reported location.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file (or SYSIN command input stream) and resubmit the request.

TXC0405E CICS job name with wildcards must belong to a group; CICS=name


A CICS region definition in the configuration file has specified wildcard characters to identify multiple regions, but does not belong to a group.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Assign the CICS region definition to a group, for example:


TXC0406E GROUPEND on line xxxxx is not paired with the start of a GROUP


GROUP/GROUPEND statements are not paired in the configuration file.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0407E GROUP and CICS region names must be unique; CICS/GROUP=name


The CICS region names and the group names must be unique. A group name cannot be the same as CICS region name.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0408E Collection requires ARCHDSN to be specified; CICS=name


Collection was requested for a CICS region in the configuration file but the archive data set name pattern (ARCHDSN=) was not specified.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0409E Checkpoint data set is not specified (CHECKPT=)


The checkpoint data set name (CHECKPT=data-set-name) is not specified in the configuration, or it is specified after the CICS regions (CICS=jobname). The checkpoint data set must be specified ahead of the CICS region definitions.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0410I CONFIG record is echoed to SYSPRINT


The records in the configuration file are echoed to SYSPRINT for diagnostic purposes when you specify EXEC PARM='DIAG'

System action

The request proceeds.

User response

None. Informational message only.


The ARCHDSN archive data set name pattern in the configuration file contains an unsupported substitution variable name.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0412E DSN length will exceed 44 when substitution variables are resolved


The ARCHDSN archive data set name pattern in the configuration file is too long. After variable substitutions have been resolved, the data set name length would exceed 44 characters in length.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.


The ARCHDSN archive data set name pattern in the configuration file does not contain any substitution variables. These variables are required by collection to generate unique archive data set names.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0414E MRO can only be specified against a GROUP


The MRO option is only available for groups in the configuration file.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0415E AUXTRSW=NO|NEXT|ALL requires OUTDD= to be specified


The AUXTRSW control statement specified the use of static output files (NO, NEXT, or ALL) but the OUTDD control statement was not specified. Snap and record to auxiliary trace data sets requests will fail because the output file will not be available.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Specify the auxiliary trace data sets you wish to use by inserting DD statements into the JCL and specifying a DD name pattern on the OUTDD control statement. If using a C\Prof collection server, restart the server and then resubmit the request.

TXC0416E TRAN and EXCLUDETRAN are mutually exclusive


The configuration options for filtering by transaction ID specified both TRAN (include) and EXCLUDETRAN. They are mutually exclusive.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration file and resubmit the request.


The ARCHDSN archive data set name pattern in the configuration file is a GDG. An unsupported substitution variable was specified in the GDG archive data set pattern. +CICS, +GROUP and +TYPE are allowed. +DATE, +TIME and +GEN are not allowed.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the ARCHDSN= specification in the configuration file and resubmit the request.

TXC0418E Multiple checkpoint data sets (CHECKPT=) are specified in the configuration


The configuration file specifies multiple checkpoint data set names (CHECKPT=). The collector supports one checkpoint data set only.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Correct the configuration and resubmit the request.

TXC0419E More than one mode of operation is specified


The configuration file or utility control statements input file (SYSIN) specified more than one mode of operation or request type. Only one of the following is allowed: RECORD FOR PROFILING, RECORD TO AUXTRACE, IMPORT, SNAP, DISCOVER, and REPORT.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Remove the modes of operation or request type that is not required, retaining the one that is required, and then resubmit the request.

TXC0420E EXEC PARM= contains an unsupported option: parameter


The PARM= in the JCL EXEC statement specifies a parameter that is not supported.

System action

The batch utility stops.

User response

Correct the EXEC PARM= in the JCL and resubmit the request.

TXC0421I EXEC PARM: parameters


The PARM= in the JCL EXEC statement specified a parameter list. This informational message reports the parameters for reference purposes.

System action

The EXEC PARM= parameters are honored and processing continues.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0422E AUXTRSW=ARCHIVE requires ARCHDSN= to be specified


The AUXTRSW control statement specified the use of dynamic output files but the ARCHDSN control statement was not specified. Snap and record to auxiliary trace data set requests will fail because the output file will not be available.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Insert the ARCHDSN control statement into the configuration. If using a C\Prof collection server, restart the server and then resubmit the request.

TXC0423E WRAP period of time for checking tolerance is too low


The WRAP=(RETRY,wait,tolerance,period) specification is invalid. The period is not greater than wait * (tolerance + 1). The value of period needs to be greater to ensure that wrap tolerance checking occurs. Otherwise all wrap conditions will be tolerated no matter how frequently they occur. Frequent wrapping will result in ineffective trace collection.

System action

The request does not proceed.

User response

Increase the wrap tolerance period, restart the C\Prof collection server and then resubmit the request.

Back to top

Messages 0500 - 0599

TXC0501I Operator commands can now be issued


Operator commands to control collection and monitor task operations can now be issued.

System action

Processing continues. When they are received, operator commands will now be processed.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0502I Operator command echo


An operator command has been received.

System action

The command is processed by the monitor.

User response

View any output messages associated with the command that may have been issued.

TXC0503I Time limit reached


The collection time limit has been reached.

System action

Collection stops and the monitor shuts down.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0504I Shutdown in progress


The monitor task is shutting down. The reasons for shutdown can be:

  1. The operator requested a shutdown or a restart

  2. The time limit was reached

  3. An unrecoverable error has occurred.

System action

The shutdown proceeds. CICS region monitoring of the internal trace stops. Collection to the archive data sets stops.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0505E Checkpoint data set ENQ could not be obtained; DSN=name


The collector could not obtain exclusive control of the checkpoint data set. The collector needs to update the checkpoint with details about a recently allocated archive data set.

The ENQUEUE request is retried five times before it gives up. Another collector task (using the same checkpoint data set) or an ISPF dialog user must be keeping control and preventing this access. Control of the checkpoint data set by collector tasks and ISPF dialog users is typically kept for a very small duration.

The ENQUEUE major name is "TXCCHKPT" and the minor name is the 44 character checkpoint data set name.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

The ISPF ISRDDN command has an ENQ option to display ENQ statuses. Specify a major name prefix of TXCCHKPT to see all holders of this resource.

If you experience repeated ENQ failures, contact product support.

TXC0506E Checkpoint ISGENQ request R15=return-code R0=reason-code DSN=checkpoint-data-set-name


C\Prof could not obtain control of the checkpoint data set. The ISGENQ macro failed with the reported return and reason codes. Exclusive control of the VSAM data set is required prior to I/O to ensure data integrity.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

Refer to the IBM Knowledge Center topic z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for an explanation of ISGENQ macro return and reason codes. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, contact product support.

TXC0507E Checkpoint data set is not initialized; REASON=code DSN=name


The checkpoint data set is not ready for use by any C\Prof service because it has not been initialized. The checkpoint data set must contain the C\Prof control record to identify it as a data set that can be used for this purpose.

System action

Processing stops

User response

Use ISPF dialog option 5.2 to initialize the checkpoint data set.

TXC0508E Checkpoint data set is not available; DSN=name


The checkpoint data set is not available to the ISPF dialog user. A prior error message provides the reason for the unavailability.

System action

The profiling request fails.

User response

Verify that the checkpoint data set is available and initialized, and that you have RACF security access to read it.

TXC0509E Checkpoint data set VSAM I/O error; DSN=name


The checkpoint data set encountered an I/O error during the processing of an ISPF dialog profiling request.

System action

The profiling request fails.

User response

Verify that the checkpoint data set is available and initialized correctly.

TXC0510W Operator command is invalid


The operator command (echoed in message TXC0502I) is not a valid request.

System action

The command is ignored.

User response

Correct any syntax errors and retry the request.

TXC0511E Configuration is not set up to process CICS region


The operator command issued to START or STOP collection could not be processed because the reported CICS region or group is not eligible. The SYSIN configuration is not set up to process this region for one of the following reasons:

  1. The region (CICS=) or group (GROUP=) is not defined, or

  2. The server is running in SNAP mode and collection is not allowed.

System action

The command is ignored.

User response

Use the STATUS command to see the list of CICS regions under the control of this server.

TXC0512I Region Group S L A R M Processed Collected IT XT C IP RS B CICSP1 PROD1 1 2 1 1 A 999 999 99 99 Y 99 19 1


The STATUS command reports configuration information and monitoring status for each CICS region.

The first line of the command response is the column headings.

Configuration information:

  • Region: CICS region job name
  • Group: Group name or blanks if region does not belong to a group
  • L: LEVEL

Monitoring status:

  • M: Monitoring status N=Not active P=Pending A=Active E=Error
  • Processed: The number of transactions processed so far
  • Collected: The number of transactions collected so far

Filtering criteria in configuration:

  • IT: Include TRAN count
  • XT: Exclude TRAN count
  • C: Exclude CICS supplied transactions
  • IP: Include PROGRAM count
  • RS: Minimum (0/1) and maximum (0/9) response time
  • B: ABEND

System action

Informational only, processing continues.

User response

None required.

TXC0513E Checkpoint data set allocation has failed


The collector has attempted to allocate the checkpoint data set and the allocation has failed. Dynamic allocation error messages are also issued to explain the cause of the problem.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example the checkpoint data set is not cataloged, contact product support. The checkpoint data set must be allocated and initialized using the ISPF dialog option 5.2.

TXC0514E DUMP output file allocation has failed


The DUMP request has attempted to allocate a SYSOUT file and the allocation has failed. Dynamic allocation error messages are also issued to explain the cause of the problem.

System action

The DUMP request does not proceed.

User response

If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change then contact product support.

TXC0515I DUMP to spin-off sysout file is complete; DD=ddname


The DUMP operator command has completed successfully. The output was written to the reported spin-off SYSOUT file.

System action

The output file is freed and is available on the JES output or held output queue.

User response

If the DUMP was requested by product support then forward the output to product support.

TXC0550I IDCAMS invoked to delete expired archive data sets:


Housekeeping has determined that some archive data sets have exceeded their retention period (RETPD) and have expired.

IDCAMS has been invoked to delete these archive data sets.

TXC0551I messages will follow for each expired archive data set.

System action

IDCAMS proceeds to delete the expired archive data sets.

User response

Review the messages that follow to learn which data sets have been deleted.

TXC0551I DELETE (archive data set name)


This message is a DELETE archive data set request to IDCAMS.

The message is prefixed with a timestamp and a CICS region name to reflect when and who created this archive data set.

IDCAMS IDC messages follow to indicate the result of the request.

System action

IDCAMS processes the DELETE request.

User response

Review the IDC messages to ensure that IDCAMS was successful.

IDC0550I indicates that the data was deleted successfully.

IDC3012I indicates that the data is not cataloged (already deleted).

TXC0552I Archive data set Total: Summary=aaa Detail=bbbExpired: Summary=ccc Detail=dddDeleted=eee Deregistered=fff


This housekeeping message is a summary of activity.

  • aaa: Total number of summary archive data sets in the checkpoint
  • bbb: Total number of detail archive data sets in the checkpoint
  • ccc: Number of summary archive data sets that have expired
  • ddd: Number of detail archive data sets that have expired
  • eee: Number of expired archive data sets that were deleted
  • fff: Number of expired archive data sets removed from the checkpoint

System action

Housekeeping has completed.

User response

No action required.

TXC0553W The following archive data sets belong to CICSregions that are not in the configuration:


The list of archive data sets that follow are registered in the checkpoint data set. However the CICS region that created them is not defined in the configuration file. The probable causes include:

  1. The CICS region has been removed from the configuration

  2. The configuration passed to housekeeping is different to the configuration being used for collection

System action

Housekeeping ignores these data sets.

User response

If the archive data sets are no longer required then you can delete them manually.

Back to top

Messages 0600 - 0699

TXC0601E DFHAUXT DD is not an AUXILIARY or GTF trace data set


The PRINT request cannot process the DFHAUXT DD data set because its DCB attributes are not that of an auxiliary trace data set (RECFM=F) or a GTF data set (RECFM=V).

System action

The request fails.

User response

Ensure that the DFHAUXT DD statement refers to a valid trace data set. If the data set was produced by a SNAP request then ensure that the SNAP completed successfully.

TXC0602E DFHAXPRT DD is not available for report output


The PRINT request cannot output the formatted trace entries because the DFHAXPRT DD statement is missing.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Insert //DFHAXPRT DD SYSOUT=* into the JCL.

TXC0603I Formatted trace report written to DFHAXPRT DD


The PRINT request has successfully written the formatted trace to the DFHAXPRT DD data set.

System action

The PRINT request ends.

User response

None. Informational message only.

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Messages 0700 - 0799

TXC0701E LOAD failed; Module=name ABEND=code, Reason=text


A module required to process the request could not be loaded. If the module name is DFHTTxxx or DFHTRxxx then the CICS trace formatting routines (provided in the CICS SDFHLINK library) are not available.

System action

The request fails.

User response

If the CICS trace formatting routines cannot be loaded, refer to CICS trace formatting routines for further information about how to make the trace formatting routines available to the ISPF dialog.

TXC0702E CICS trace formatting using DFHTRvrm has failed; RC=code


The CICS supplied trace formatting routine has failed to format a CICS trace entry.

System action

The request to process and display the trace entries fails.

User response

Contact product support.

Back to top

Messages 0800 - 0899


Collection has detected a CICS transaction with more than 9 nested levels of program links. This may indicate a problem in the processing of CICS trace entries for a program with multiple LINKs.

System action

The transaction is collected. Program LINK information may be unreliable.

User response

Contact product support.


Collection has detected a CICS transaction where EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS RETURN events could not be matched. This may indicate a problem in the processing of CICS trace entries for a program with LINKs.

System action

The transaction is collected. Program LINK information may be unreliable.

User response

Contact product support.


Collection has detected a CICS transaction where EXEC CICS LINK and EXEC CICS RETURN events could not be matched. This may indicate a problem in the processing of CICS trace entries for a program with LINKs.

System action

The transaction is collected. Program LINK information may be unreliable.

User response

Contact product support.

TXC0804I Collection for profiling purposes has stopped; IN=nn OUT=nn


Monitoring of the CICS internal trace has stopped. Collection to archive data sets for profiling purposes has stopped. There was either a problem or a request to shut down.

  • IN: the number of transactions that were monitored.

  • OUT: the number of transactions that were collected.

System action

The CICS region is no longer being monitored.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0805I New archive data set was allocated; DSN=datasetname


A new archive data set has been dynamically allocated. Summary and detail archive data sets are created by RECORD FOR PROFILING and IMPORT for profiling purposes. Auxiliary archive data sets are created by RECORD TO AUXTRACE and SNAP.

System action

The new data set is registered in the checkpoint data set. This makes the trace data available to ISFP.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0806I Archive data set was closed; DSN=datasetname


The archive data set was closed because collection has stopped. This message is not issued when switching to a new archive data set.

System action

Collection has already stopped.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0807W Domain EI component trace level 2 is not active


Monitoring has detected that the CICS trace "EI" category is not collecting level 2 events. EI level 2 creates the AP E160 and E161 events that provide the application level detail for EXEC CICS calls.

System action

Profiling will not display the application level detail for EXEC CICS requests. EI level 1 event AP 00E1 will provide only brief information about the EXEC CICS requests; elapsed time and request type only.

User response

If you require profiling to provide the application level detail then you need to activate EI level 2. For more information on setting CICS internal trace levels, see Trace levels required for profiling.

TXC0808E Archive data set registration in checkpoint data setdid not complete; DSN=archive data set name


Collection has detected that the archive data set has not been registered in the checkpoint data set. This error typically occurs when the archive data set SPACE settings are too small, causing switching to occur too frequently. Errors associated with the checkpoint data set should have already stopped collection.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

Verify that the archive data set SPACE settings in the configuration file are large enough to prevent excessive archive switching. For more information, see SPACE=(type,primary,secondary).

TXC0809E Detail archive data set size is too small


Collection is unable to write the entire transaction detail trace data to an archive data set because it is too small. In effect the trace data collected on behalf of the transaction is larger than the archive data set.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

Increase the size of the detail archive data set SPACE settings in the configuration file. For more information, see SPACE=(type,primary,secondary).

TXC0810E New archive data set allocation has failed


The collector has attempted to allocate a new archive data set and the allocation has failed. Dynamic allocation error messages are also issued to explain the cause of the problem.

System action

Collection stops.

User response

If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example a RACF security rule change, contact product support.

TXC0811I Recording to the auxiliary trace has stopped; Buffers=nn


Monitoring of the CICS internal trace has stopped. Recording to auxiliary trace data sets has stopped. There was either a problem or a request to shut down. The reported buffer count is the number of internal trace buffers written to all auxiliary trace data sets.

System action

The CICS region is no longer being monitored.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0812E Auxiliary trace data sets could not be located;OUTDD=ddname pattern or was not specified


Recording to auxiliary trace data sets could not proceed. The AUXTRSW option in use requires that the data sets are specified in the JCL, but they could not be found. There are two reasons why this problem can occur:

  1. The OUTDD=ddname pattern is missing for the CICS region being recorded e.g. CICS=CICSP1 OUTDD=CICSP1*

  2. There were no DD statements in the JCL that matched the DD name pattern specified in the OUTDD control statement.

System action

Recording for the CICS region does not proceed.

User response

Ensure the CICS region OUTDD=ddname pattern is specified and the auxiliary trace data set DD names match the pattern.

TXC0813I Recording has switched to DSN=datasetname


Recording has switched to the next auxiliary trace data set in the JCL.

System action

The previous next auxiliary trace data set was closed and writing continues to this next data set.

User response

The previous auxiliary trace data set is full and ready to be analyzed.

TXC0814I AUXTRSW option has caused recording to stop


Recording to auxiliary trace data sets has stopped because one (AUXTRSW=NO) or all (AUXTRSW=ALL) of the data sets have been used.

System action

Recording for the CICS region stops.

User response

The auxiliary trace data sets are full and ready to be analyzed.

TXC0815I Auxiliary trace data set is starting; DD=name DSN=name


The import utility has opened the auxiliary trace data set. The message is prefixed with the timestamp of the first trace record in the file and the CICS region that created the file.

System action

Trace entries in this file are analyzed.

User response

None required.

TXC0816I Auxiliary trace data set is stopping; DD=name DSN=name


The import utility has closed the auxiliary trace data set. The trace entries in the file have been analyzed. The message is prefixed with the timestamp of the last trace record in the file and the CICS region that created the file. The second line of the message reports the trace category levels (used by profiling) that were detected in the file.

System action

The import utility continues to process the remaining trace files. If all trace files have been processed then the request will end.

User response

The transactions detected in this auxiliary trace file are now ready for profiling.

TXC0817I New archive data set cannot be allocated;CICS region not in CONFIG or ARCHDSN= not specified


The SNAP request has failed because a new archive data set could not be allocated. AUXTRSW=ARCHIVE was specified to instruct SNAP to allocate a new archive data set to contain the trace output but the allocation failed for one of the following reasons:

  1. The CICS region is not defined in the configuration, or

  2. The ARCHDSN= archive data set name pattern was not specified.

System action

The SNAP request fails.

User response

The transactions detected in this auxiliary trace file are now ready for profiling. If the CICS region is not defined in the configuration then insert it, along with its ARCHDSN=data-set-name setting. If the CICS region is defined then specify the ARCHDSN=data-set-name setting.

TXC0818E OPEN error; Archive DD=12345678 DSN=name


The reported archive data set could not be opened.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Check the job log for a system message associated with the OPEN SVC failure.

TXC0819E No static data set is available because all are in use;OUTDD=DD-name-pattern


The snap or record to auxiliary trace data set request failed because all the static trace data sets are being used by other requests. The OUTDD name pattern refers to the DD statements in the JCL that can be used for this request.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Include additional auxiliary trace data sets into the JCL using a DD name that matches the OUTDD name pattern.

TXC0820I Archive data set has been registered; DSN=name


The archive data set has been successfully registered into the checkpoint data set. This data set can now be used for profiling.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC0821E Some archive data sets were not registered in thecheckpoint data set; Allocated=count Registered=count


Some VSAM insert calls to register new archive data sets into the checkpoint data set were not performed. Exclusive control of the checkpoint data set (to ensure data integrity) could not be obtained on one or more occasions. The ENQUEUE major name is "TXCCHKPT" and the minor name is the 44-character checkpoint data set name. This problem typically occurs when multiple C\Prof collection servers share the same checkpoint data set. C\Prof normally holds the ENQ for a very short amount of time and if necessary, waits for it to become available.

System action

Transactions contained in these data sets cannot be profiled.

User response

If the problem happens regularly then contact product support.

Back to top

Messages 0900 - 0999

TXC0901E No trace data has been collected yet. The checkpoint contains no summary archive data sets.


Profiling using the ISPF dialog is possible yet because no collection has taken place. The checkpoint data set contains no registration details of archive data sets.

System action

Profiling cannot proceed.

User response

Start the collector.

TXC0902E Archive OPEN error; ABEND=Sxxx-rc DSN=name


The user interface was unable to open an archive data set that contains the trace data required for profiling.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Open errors are typically caused by environmental circumstances including security violations. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact product support.

TXC0903W No transactions were selected; reason=r


No transactions matched the specified selection criteria. The reported reason indicates what criteria was not satisfied.

System action

The transaction list is not displayed or refreshed.

User response

This may not be a problem. If you are looking for transactions with specific performance characteristics but none occurred then this message in conveying that information. Verify that collection took place for the requested time period. Relax the selection criteria to make more transactions eligible.

TXC0904E Transaction detail is not available; REASON=xx RECNUM=nn DSN=


The archive data set that contains the trace detail for the selected transaction is not available. Common reasons include:

  1. The detail has expired - the detail archive data set was deleted

  2. Detail was not collected (configuration file contains LEVEL=1)

System action

The request to display the trace detail fails.

User response

Some common reason codes include an explanation. Other reason codes indicate a problem either during collection or when the request is made to locate the trace detail. If the explanation does not adequately explain why the trace detail is not available then contact product support.

TXC0998W Product registration expires in 7 days. SHID=id


The product registration key, module TXCKEY in the STXCLINK link library, will expire in less than seven days.

System action

Processing will continue until the expiry date is reached.

User response

Contact product support to request a new product key. To register the product, refer to the instructions supplied in Step 11: Register the product.

TXC0999E Product is not registered for use. SHID=id


The product registration key, module TXCKEY in the STXCLINK link library, has expired.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Ensure that you have completed the product registration process. This links module TXCKEY into the C\Prof link library. Otherwise contact product support and request a new product key. To register the product, refer to the instructions supplied in Step 11: Register the product.

Back to top

Messages 1000 - 1999

TXC1043E Request was interrupted; ABEND CODE=code


The user interface request to obtain information was interrupted by an abend while data was being written to a temporary work file. ABEND=Sx37 indicates that the temporary work file was not large enough to contain all the data.

System action

The request proceeds when some data is available to display, although the results may be truncated. If no data is available then the request fails.

User response

For ABEND=Sx37:

  1. Go to ISPF dialog option 6 Settings.

  2. Increase the space quantities for Temporary work files.

Other abend codes may indicate an environmental problem. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact product support.

TXC1044E MVS service failed; MACRO=name RC=code


The MVS system macro being used to write records to a data set has failed.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Refer to the appropriate z/OS DFSMS manual in the IBM Knowledge Center for an explanation of the return code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change, for example increasing the region size, contact product support.

TXC1045W Request halted by attention interrupt; Records written=count DDN=name DSN=name


The request to obtain information was interrupted because you pressed the attention key. The reported number of records was written to your temporary work file before the interrupt occurred.

System action

The request proceeds when some data is available to display, although the results may be truncated. If no data is available then the request fails.

User response

Some requests can take a long time because a lot of data must be scanned to satisfy the request.

Tip: Specify a shorter time range to select required transactions only.

TXC1050I IPCS VERBEXIT is starting


IPCS has invoked the C\Prof VERBEXIT module TXCIPCSX.

System action

The VERBEXIT proceeds to read the internal trace from the dump and write it to the auxiliary trace data set with DD name DFHAUXT.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC1051E IPCS VERBEXIT: error reason


The C\Prof IPCS VERBEXIT encountered a problem as it processed the dump data set. The CICS internal trace could not be extracted from the dump. The error reason text will explain the reason for the failure. Common problems include:

  1. The current address space is not a CICS region.

  2. The CICS version is not supported.

  3. The dump does not contain the required CICS address space virtual storage to complete the request.

  4. An IPCS exit service request has failed.

System action

The VERBEXIT stops.

User response

Verify that the dump data set is for a CICS region. You can use a CICS-supplied VERBEXIT to print the internal trace, for example:


If the internal trace is reported correctly by CICS then there may be a problem with the C\Prof VERBEXIT. Contact product support.

TXC1052I IPCS VERBEXIT is ending; CICS APPLID=applid VRM=versionSIZE=nnnnK DATE=date and time


The C\PROF IPCS VERBEXIT has completed processing. The following information is reported:

  1. The CICS APPLID of the current address space

  2. The CICS internal version number; for example: VRM=70=CICS TS V5.3

  3. The amount of data written to the auxiliary trace data set

  4. The timestamp of the first trace entry

System action

The VERBEXIT ends.

User response

None. Informational message only. The resultant auxiliary trace data set is ready for analysis.

TXC1101I Connected to XCF Group=name Member=name State=Active


The C\Prof collection server has successfully connected as an active member to the XCF group.

System action

Any C\Prof collection server that belongs to this XCF group can:

  • Receive a command from other servers in the group to process a trace collection request for a CICS region under its control.

  • Send information about the CICS regions including collection status to other servers in the XCF group that have a socket listener.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC1102E XCF service failed; MACRO=IXCxzzzz R15=retcode R0=reascodeGroup=name Member=name


The reported XCF sysplex service request has failed. The server is unable to connect with other servers in the XCF group. The XCF service macro and its return codes are described in the z/OS MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference in the IBM Knowledge Center.

System action

The server shuts down.

User response

Refer to the IBM Knowledge Center for an explanation of the return code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change then contact product support.

TXC1103I Member in the XCF group has changed state; Member=nameState=new-state


A C\Prof collection server in the XCF group has changed state, typically because it is starting or shutting down.

System action

The state of the remote server has been updated. Processing continues.

User response

If the message coincides with the C\Prof collection server starting or shutting down then this message is normal and no action is required. If it is not associated with normal startup or shutdown of the C\Prof collection server, there may be a problem with the XCF group. To report the status of all members in the XCF group, issue the following MVS operator command:


where <name> is the name that is specified on the XCFGROUP control statement name in the C\Prof configuration file. If you cannot resolve the problem, contact product support.

TXC1104E XCF group has more than 256 members; Group=


The XCF group has more than 256 members, indicating that there are more than 256 C\Prof collection servers across the sysplex that belong to the reported XCF group. The reported member name is the new server that was unable to join the group.

System action

Communications between the C\Prof collection servers cannot be established. Requests cannot be routed between the two servers.

User response

Reconfigure your C\Prof collection topology to include no more than 256 C\Prof collection servers.

TXC1105I XCF message echoed for diagnostic purposes


When DIAG=YES is specified in the configuration, all XCF communication between C\Prof collection servers is echoed to SYSPRINT.

System action

None. Processing continues.

User response

None. Information message only.

TXC1201I Listening for user requests on AF_UNIX socket NAME=socket


The C\Prof collection server has started listening on the socket for user requests from the ISPF dialog or web user interface.

System action

The server listens for user requests.

User response

User requests can now be made to this server.

TXC1202E BPX service failed; SERVICE=BPX1xxx RET=code REAS=code Name=socket


A z/OS UNIX callable service to handle the AF_UNIX socket has failed. The return and reason codes are supplied. For a complete list of callable services, refer to the z/OS UNIX System Services topic Callable services descriptions in the IBM Knowledge Center. More information on return and reason codes can be found in the z/OS UNIX System Services topics Return codes (errnos) and Reason codes (errnojrs) in the IBM Knowledge Center. This message is commonly issued when user access to the C\Prof collection server socket is denied. When this occurs, the message may contain the following information:


Return code X'6F' equates to return code (errnos) EACCES (Permission is denied). Check the job log for a RACF security server message (for example ICH408I) for additional information.

System action

The server immediately shuts down.

User response

Refer to the IBM Knowledge Center for an explanation of the return code. If the problem cannot be resolved with an environmental change then contact product support.

TXC1203E AF_UNIX socket is already being used by JOBNAME=nameFILENAME=socket


Exclusive control of the AF_UNIX socket file name could not be obtained. Another server, identified by JOBNAME, is already using it. The ENQ major name is "TXCUSOCK" and the minor name is the z/OS UNIX file name.

System action

The server shuts down.

User response

Ensure that only one C\Prof collection server is acting as a listener on this LPAR that is using the reported socket file name.

TXC1204I Socket request echoed for diagnostic purposes


When DIAG=YES is specified in the configuration, all socket requests are echoed to SYSPRINT.

System action

None. Processing continues.

User response

None. Informational message only.

TXC1206E No CICS regions are being monitored


No active CICS regions have been detected by the C\Prof collection servers. Possible reasons include:

  • The CICS regions are not executing.

  • The C\Prof collection servers that control collection for the CICS regions are not started.

System action

The request fails. No CICS regions are listed and no collection can be requested.

User response

User can take the following actions:

  1. Verify that the CICS regions defined in the C\Prof configuration are active.

  2. If your C\Prof collection server environment consists of multiple servers across the sysplex connected by XCF then ensure that all the servers are started.

TXC1207I Request has been scheduled for processing on server name


The request was successfully scheduled for processing by the C\Prof collection server.

System action

The request will be processed on the destination C\Prof collection server, typically on the server that is configured to monitor the CICS region.

User response

None. Information only. If the request has not started within a few seconds then verify the following:

  1. Use the C\Prof Region List (primary option menu 1) and review any error messages that may be displayed for that CICS region.

  2. Check the C\Prof collection server SYSPRINT for additional messages.

TXC1208I Request has been routed to remote server name


Your request was sent to the local C\Prof collection server. The request was then routed to the C\Prof collection server that is configured to monitor the target CICS region.

System action

The request has been routed to the remote C\Prof collection server for processing.

User response

None. Informational only.

TXC1209E Request cannot be routed to server name; Reason=text


Your request was sent to the local C\Prof collection server. The request could not be routed to the C\Prof collection server that is configured to monitor the target CICS region. XCF communications between C\Prof collection servers is not available and may be caused by one of the following issues:

  1. XCF is not enabled.

  2. The remote server is not an active member of the XCF group.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Perform the following checks:

  1. Verify that the remote server is still active.

  2. Ensure that all C\Prof collection servers specify the same XCF group name (using the XCFGROUP control statement) in their respective configuration files.

  3. Issue the following MVS system command:

    D XCF,GROUP,xcf-group-name,ALL

Each C\Prof collection server should be listed as a member of the XCF group and have a STATUS of ACTIVE. If necessary correct the configuration and restart your C\Prof collection servers.

TXC1210E PROFILING and AUXTRACE cannot run at the same time


The request to start recording for profiling or recording to auxiliary trace data sets was rejected because the other mode of collection was already active. A C\Prof collection server cannot record for profiling and record to auxiliary trace data sets at the same time for the same CICS region.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Users can perform one of the following actions:

  • Stop the current recording and resubmit the request.

  • If both recording modes are required concurrently, submit a batch request for the second recording. The recordings must take place in two separate jobs.

TXC1211I XCF is not enabled for this server name


The C\Prof collection server is not a member of an XCF group. The server's configuration does not include the XCFGROUP=name statement.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

If you need to connect C\Prof collection servers for operation management purposes then assign them to the same XCF group using the XCFGROUP control statement.

TXC1212E The MRO group profiling request cannot proceedbecause some regions are already active; Group=name


The request to start profiling against an MRO group cannot proceed because one or more CICS region members in the group are already being actively profiled as individual regions.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Stop recording for profiling for all CICS regions in the MRO group, and then resubmit the recording request.

TXC1213E The server is not set up to run profiling; Server=name


The C\Prof collection server that received the profiling request cannot process the request because it is not set up for profiling. At a minimum, the C\Prof server configuration requires the following additional control statements:

  • CICS

    The job name of the CICS region to be profiled.


    The checkpoint data set name.


    The archive data set name pattern.


    The summary archive data set allocation attributes.


    The detail archive data set allocation attributes.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Ask your C\Prof administrator to configure the C\Prof collection server for profiling. ISPF dialog option 5 Configure takes you through the steps to prepare for profiling.

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Messages 2000 - 2999

TXC2xxxE message


TXC messages in the range 2000-2999 upwards are associated with trace data set browsing.

System action

Processing of the trace data set may stop depending on the severity of the error.

User response

If the error message does not adequately explain the problem and offer a solution, contact product support.

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Messages 3000 - 3999



The checkpoint data set encountered a VSAM I/O error.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Verify that the checkpoint data set is available and initialized correctly.

TXC3008E Not authorized to issue SPI command


The user is not authorized to issue SPI commands.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Ask your RACF security administrator to grant access.

TXC3011E Authorization failed ABEND S913, Access=intent DSN=name


The checkpoint data set cannot be used because RACF security access is not granted. Additional "ICH" RACF messages explain the problem further.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Ask your RACF security administrator to grant access to the checkpoint data set. The collector task requires UPDATE access. The ISPF dialog user requires READ access.

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Messages 4000 - 4999

TXC4003E socket error reason: EDCxxxxx runtime message


The user request needed to be sent to a C\Prof collection server for processing. However, the socket connection to the server could not be established or has failed. The SOCKET control statement specifies the name of the UNIX domain socket that has failed.

Common socket error reasons include:

  • Connection could not be established

    The probable cause is that there is no C\Prof collection server on this LPAR that is listening on the socket address.

    The ISPF dialog issues the “Connection failed” message – the extended help (press PF1 twice) provides more information.

  • Not permitted

    The user does not have permission to use the socket

    The socket is a UNIX domain (AF_UNIX) socket. The socket address is a file name in the z/OS UNIX file system. Users need write permission to the file.

For other problems, the "EDC" message that describes the problem is documented in the IBM zSystems/OS Language Environment topic XL C/C++ runtime messages.

System action

The request fails.

User response

Actions for common problems include:

  • Connection could not be established

    Ensure that the C\Prof collection server is running on the same LPAR and is listening on the same socket address.

    The C\Prof server issues message TXC1201I in its SYSPRINT log when the socket is ready and listening.

  • Not permitted: EDC5111I Permission denied

    Ensure that all users have write permission to access the z/OS UNIX file name that serves as the socket.

    Normal z/OS UNIX file permissions and RACF are typically used to grant the necessary permissions.

    Also, you can use the PERMISSIONS control statement to request that the C\Prof collection server sets the necessary permissions at start up.

    For all other problems, refer to the "EDC" message documented in the IBM zSystems/OS Language Environment topic Runtime messages.

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