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Add the MRO=YES option immediately after a GROUP control statement to define a group of CICS regions that communicate via multiregion operation (MRO). By default, the MRO option is disabled (MRO=NO).

When this option is set, C\Prof will merge the internal traces of each CICS region in the group. When a transaction that uses MRO is detected (see notes below), it is treated as a single transaction. In this case, all trace events for this transaction across all applicable regions are consolidated and recorded against the originating transaction. For more information on how C\Prof treats groups of CICS regions that use the MRO control statement, see Collecting from CICS regions that use multiregion operation (MRO). By default, or if the MRO=NO option is used, C\Prof will record transactions against the CICS region in which they were processed.

You can use the MRO control statement when recording for profiling (using either the SERVER or RECORD FOR PROFILING collection modes) or when importing from an auxiliary trace data set (using the IMPORT collection mode).

The following conditions apply:

  • When recording for profiling, the MRO regions must reside on the same LPAR and must be monitored by a single C\Prof collector task. MRO between CICS regions in different MVS images of an MVS sysplex is not supported.

  • At the time of data capture, the CICS RM domain trace point must be set to 1. This applies to archive and auxiliary trace data sets captured by C\Prof and for auxiliary trace data sets captured using the CICS auxiliary trace facility. The RM domain supplies C\Prof with the accounting network unit-of-work ID used to correlate the cross-region tasks. If the token is not present in the trace, C\Prof will revert to capturing each transaction independently (as it would by default or if MRO=NO was specified).

    If you are recording for profiling, use the ACTIVATETRACE control statement (see ACTIVATETRACE) to set all trace points required for profiling and MRO. Alternatively, you can use the STNTRxx control statement (see STNTRxx=level) to directly control the RM domain trace point.

    The accounting network unit-of-work ID token must be unique for each new originating transaction. Some transactions may originate from a source that propagates a fixed accounting token. These types of transactions are not eligible for MRO consolidation.


Example 1: Record for profiling with MRO enabled

To define a group named PRODPLX2 that contains two CICS regions using MRO, use the following control statements:


Defining a group of CICS regions that use MRO for transaction profiling

Example 2: Import auxiliary trace data sets from CICS regions that use MRO

Use the IMPORT collection mode to import auxiliary trace data sets captured from a set of CICS regions that use MRO. To do this, insert a GROUP control statement followed by the MRO control statement:


When using the IMPORT collection mode, you do not need to specify any CICS or GROUPEND control statements (as the CICS regions are derived from the input auxiliary trace data sets). An example configuration can be found in Additional example of importing auxiliary trace data sets from an MRO group.