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RESETTRACE=(level [,RESET] | [,STOP | START [,downsize]])

The RESETTRACE option specifies the settings to apply to the internal trace of a CICS region when recording stops.

Note: The RESET, STOP, START, and downsize parameters described below will have no effect on the CICS internal trace if the ACTIVATETRACE control statement failed to start the CICS internal trace (using the START parameter) because the internal trace was already in the STARTED state.


The following parameters can be specified.

level parameter

When collection stops, adjust the current CICS trace point levels as specified by the level parameter. The level parameter can be one of the following values:

C\Prof level values for the RESETTRACE control statement

Value Description
0 Retain the component trace levels used during recording. Do not reset the CICS trace point levels.
1 When the collector stops, reset the component trace levels back to their original settings prior to the start of the recording.

This is the default.
2 Turn off all component trace levels (setting them to 0).

RESET parameter

Optional parameter. When recording stops, use the method defined on the TRACECONTROL control statement to reset the status and size of the CICS internal trace to the settings they had before the recording began.

STOP parameter

Optional parameter. When recording stops, use the method defined on the TRACECONTROL control statement to set the status of the CICS internal trace to STOPPED.

START parameter

Optional parameter. When recording stops, use the method defined on the TRACECONTROL control statement to keep the CICS internal trace in the STARTED state.

downsize parameter

Optional parameter. When recording stops, use the method defined on the TRACECONTROL control statement to reduce the size of the CICS internal trace table to the size specified in the downsize parameter.

The minimum permitted value of size is 16 (kilobytes). The maximum permitted value of downsize is 1048576 (kilobytes). The downsize parameter cannot be used to increase the size of the CICS internal trace table. If the downsize parameter is not specified, the size of the CICS internal trace table remains unchanged.


Example 1: Restore the CICS internal trace to original settings

To reset the CICS internal trace to the state it was in before recording began, use the following control statement:


Example 2: Turn off all trace points and stop the CICS internal trace

To turn off all trace points and stop the CICS internal trace when collection stops, use the following control statement:


Example 3: Keep the trace running after collection, but reduce the size

To keep the CICS internal trace in the STARTED state, retain all trace levels set by the collector and reduce the size of the table to 32 MB (32768 KB) when collection stops, use the following control statement: