The SUMMARY, DETAIL, and AUXILIARY control statements specify the allocation attributes of data sets collected by C\Prof. C\Prof uses the following types of data set to store data collected from the CICS internal trace:

  • Summary

    Allocation attributes for summary archive data sets are specified using the SUMMARY control statement. Summary archive data sets contain one record per transaction and consist of high-level identification and performance information. They are created by C\Prof when recording for transaction profiling.

  • Detail

    Allocation attributes for detail archive data sets are specified using the DETAIL control statement. Detail data sets, which multiple records per transaction and reveal application calls and other program-related events together with their associated trace entries. They are created by C\Prof when recording for transaction profiling when the LEVEL control statement is set to 2 or higher.

  • Auxiliary

    Allocation attributes for auxiliary trace data sets are specified using the AUXILIARY control statement. Auxiliary trace data sets contain trace events and are created by C\Prof when recording to auxiliary trace or when a snap request has been issued and dynamic data set allocation has been requested (AUXTRSW=ARCHIVE).

The SUMMARY, DETAIL, and AUXILIARY control statements require the ARCHDSN control statement to define the naming pattern for newly created data sets. The following example specifies an archive data set name pattern and the allocation parameters that will be used for summary and detail data sets:

SUMMARY   SPACE=(CYL,5,5)   UNIT=SYSDA            

Summary and detail archive data sets are allocated as sequential data sets (DSORG=PS) and must reside on DASD. They are eligible (via SMS rules) to be extended or large format, as well as compressible.

The following parameters may be added to either a SUMMARY or DETAIL control statement. All parameters are optional and there are no defaults, however system defaults and SMS rules may apply.


Specifies the maximum length of a block for auxiliary trace data sets.

By default, C\Prof will create auxiliary trace data sets with a data block size of 4096 bytes. This is useful when using the CICS trace utility print program as it requires a block size of 4096. If you do not plan to use the CICS trace utility print program, you can improve the performance of C\Prof by appending BLKSIZE=24576 to the AUXILIARY control statement. The larger block size is fully supported by all C\Prof services and reduces the amount of I/O required to perform the operation.

The BLKSIZE must be a multiple of 4096. C\Prof rounds the specified size down to the nearest multiple of 4096, for example if you specify BLKSIZE=27998 for half-track blocking then BLKSIZE=24576 is used.

The maximum value of BLKSIZE is 32768, however use of this value is not recommended as the resulting auxiliary trace data set will be almost twice as large as necessary due to half of every track being wasted.

BLKSIZE may also be specified as a global control statement. For more information, see BLKSIZE=value.


Specifies the name of a data class to be used for allocating new archive data sets.


Specifies the type of the new archive data sets.

C\Prof DSNTYPE options

Option Description
EXTREQ Specifies for the data set to be extended format.
EXTPREF Specifies for the data set to be extended format. If extended format is not possible, the system selects basic format.
LARGE The system will select large format.
BASIC The system will select basic format.


Specifies whether the new archive data sets support extended attributes.

C\Prof EATTR options

Option Description
NO No extended attributes. The data set cannot have extended attributes (format 8 and 9 DSCBs) or reside or reside on an extended address volume (EAV).
OPT Extended attributes are optional.


Specifies the name of a management class to be used for management of the new SMS-managed archive data set after the data set is allocated. After the data set is allocated, the attributes in the management class control:

  • Migration of the data set, including migration from primary storage to DFSMShsm-owned storage to archival storage

  • Backup of the data set, including frequency of backup, number of versions, and retention criteria for backup versions

  • Automatic deletion of data sets

  • Automatic release of unused space in data sets

C\Prof can generate a lot of data and allocate many archive data sets, especially detail archive data sets. This can impact your DASD operational management. Depending on the importance that you place on collection data you might consider assigning the archive data sets to an SMS management class that forces DFSMShsm (or equivalent DASD security product) to migrate data sets to migration level 1 quickly and not back up.

The storage administrator at your installation defines the names of the management classes you can code on the MGMTCLAS parameter.


Specifies the retention period for new archive data sets. RETPD is used in conjunction with the PARM=HOUSEKEEPING option to instruct C\Prof to delete archive data sets that have passed their retention period.

Note: RETPD is not used as a data set allocation attribute. It is used solely by the C\Prof housekeeping task to determine which data sets to delete.

The retention-period may be one of the following:

C\Prof RETPD options

Option Description
nnn HOURS Retain for nnn hours.
nnn DAYS Retain for nnn days.

For more information, see Cleaning up old collection data via housekeeping.


Specify the primary and secondary space quantities for new archive data sets in megabytes or cylinders.

C\Prof SPACE type options

Type Description
CYL Cylinders
MB Megabytes. (8 megabytes is approximately 10 cylinders of 3390 DASD)

The maximum allowed value for primary and secondary is 16777215.

primary is required. secondary is optional and defaults to zero (no secondary extents are taken).

To reduce the frequency of data set allocation and any associated performance impacts, it is recommended that you select larger space quantities. You can monitor the frequency of data set allocation by viewing the collector SYSPRINT data set.


Specifies the name of a storage class to be used for storage of the new archive data set.


Requests the system to place new archive data sets on the specified DASD device-type. For example, specify UNIT=SYSDA for System Direct Access.


Use when your direct access storage device (DASD) is not controlled by the storage management subsystem (SMS). Up to five volume serial numbers may be specified, each separated by a comma. An example showing the specification of volume serial numbers is shown below:

DETAIL    SPACE=(CYL,50) UNIT=3390                   
AUXILIARY SPACE=(CYL,100,20) UNIT=3390               

Specifying volume serial numbers in the configuration file


The REUSE control statement allows you to control the reuse of summary and detail archive data sets created by C\Prof whilst recording for profiling. The REUSE control statement does not apply to auxiliary trace data sets.

The REUSE control statement is optional. By default (REUSE=YES), archive data sets remain open when recording for transaction profiling to minimize the number of resulting data sets and is highly recommended for all users. If you require C\Prof to close archive data sets when recording stops, specify REUSE=NO.