Control statement summary

Each collection mode is configured using control statements. A summary of each control statement can be found below, organized by the collection functions to which they relate. These collection functions are described as follows:*

  • Profiling

    Record from the CICS internal trace for transaction profiling. Use either SERVER or RECORD FOR PROFILING collection modes to invoke this function.

  • Snap

    Take a back-in-time snapshot of the CICS internal trace. Use the SERVER, SNAP, or RECORD FOR PROFILING collection modes to invoke this function.


    Record from the CICS internal trace to an auxiliary trace data sets. Use the SERVER or RECORD TO AUXTRACE collection modes to invoke this function.

  • Import

    Import auxiliary trace data sets into the C\Prof transaction profiler. Use the IMPORT collection mode to invoke this function.

A control statement may fall into one of the following categories, depending on the collection mode you have selected:

  • N/A

    The control statement is not applicable to this collection mode. If the control statement is supplied in the configuration file, it may be ignored.

  • Required

    The control statement must be supplied when using this mode. C\Prof will not work unless you specify this control statement in your configuration.

  • Optional

    The control statement is not required, but may be used to enable certain features or further define the behavior of the collector.

More information for each control statement can be found on its associated reference page.

Managing archive and auxiliary trace data sets

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used to manage archive and auxiliary trace data sets

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
CHECKPT=data-set-name Register data set created by C\Prof in a checkpoint data set Required Optional Optional Required
ARCHDSN=pattern Define a naming pattern for data sets created by C\Prof Required Optional Optional Required
AUXTRSW=option Set creation and switching mode for auxiliary trace data sets N/A Optional Required N/A
+PREFIX=data-set-name-prefix Set a data set naming prefix Optional Optional Optional Optional
SUMMARY Define allocation attributes for dynamically allocated summary archive data sets Required N/A N/A Required
DETAIL Define allocation attributes for dynamically allocated detail archive data sets Required N/A N/A Required
AUXILIARY Define allocation attributes for dynamically allocated auxiliary trace data sets N/A Optional Optional N/A
OUTDD=ddname-pattern Direct trace output to static auxiliary trace data set(s) N/A Optional Optional N/A
BLKSIZE=value Set block size for new auxiliary trace data sets N/A Optional Optional N/A
INDD=pattern Define input auxiliary trace data sets for import into the transaction profiler N/A N/A N/A Required

Define CICS regions and assign groups

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used to define CICS regions and assign groups

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
CICS=jobname Work with the specified CICS region Required Optional1 Required N/A
GROUP=name and GROUPEND Group a set of CICS regions Optional N/A Optional Optional

Note 1: You can perform a snapshot on any CICS region using MVS system commands, even if that region is not defined in the collector configuration file.

Processing client requests

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used for client request processing

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
SOCKET=zFS-path Create a socket for ISPF user collection requests (option 1 Regions) Optional Optional Optional N/A
XCFGROUP=group-name Assign the collector to an XCF group to connect it to a collection topology that may be spread across multiple collectors and LPARs Optional Optional Optional N/A

Collector startup and shutdown

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used for collector startup and shutdown

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
SERVICE=service-class-name Assign the collector a service class Optional Optional Optional Optional
LIMIT=value units Shut down the collector after the specified time limit Optional N/A Optional N/A

Level of detail for profiling

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used for setting the level of trace detail to capture

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
LEVEL=value Set the level of trace detail to capture Optional N/A N/A Optional
SIZE=value Set the maximum size of a transaction before it is flushed Optional N/A N/A Optional

Internal trace data collection and control

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used for controlling the CICS internal trace

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
TRACECONTROL Define the method for accessing the C\Prof trace control program Optional N/A Optional N/A
ACTIVATETRACE=(level [,START [,upsize][,recording-mode]) Configure the CICS internal trace before recording starts Optional2 N/A Optional N/A
RESETTRACE=(level [,RESET] or [,STOP or START [,downsize]) Reset the CICS internal trace configuration when collection ends Optional N/A Optional N/A
STNTRxx=level Activate additional trace domains for greater detail Optional N/A Optional N/A

Note 2: For a complete application perspective of the trace, you must at least set the trace points that are configured by the ACTIVATETRACE=1 control statement.


Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used for filtering data collected from the CICS internal trace

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
TRAN=(name1,name2,...) Filter transactions by ID Optional N/A N/A Optional
EXCLUDETRAN=(name1,name2,...) Exclude specified transactions Optional N/A N/A Optional
PROGRAM=(name1,name1,...) Filter transactions by the programs is uses Optional N/A N/A Optional
RESPONSE=(minimum,maximum) Filter transactions by response time Optional N/A N/A Optional
ABEND=option Filter transactions by abend Optional N/A N/A Optional

Multiregion operation

Summary of C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN used for multiregion operation (MRO)

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
MRO=YES Define a multiregion operation (MRO) group Optional N/A N/A Optional


Summary of miscellaneous C\Prof control statements for collector and utility program TXCMAIN

Control statement Description Profiling Snap AUXTRACE Import
// (end of configuration file) End of configuration file marker Required3 Required3 Required3 Required3

Note 3: The end of configuration file (//) character sequence is not required for control statements supplied inline on the SYSIN DD statement.