Establishing a collection topology across a sysplex allows you to efficiently manage collection operations for your entire organization. With a correctly configured topology, you can establish a unified view of your sysplex within the C\Prof Region List that allows you to control collection and view transaction data for any CICS region in the sysplex from the one place. In this section, you will learn how to:
Expand your collection topology to CICS regions in other LPARs (see Expanding your collection topology to CICS regions in other LPARs).
Verify the configuration of your expanded topology and review trace collection status across the sysplex (see Reviewing collection status).
Group CICS regions that use multiregion operation (MRO) so that transactions in one CICS region that link to a remote program in another CICS region will be reported in C\Prof as a single transaction (see Collecting from CICS regions that use multiregion operation (MRO)).
Split the collection workload within an LPAR using two or more collectors (see Splitting collectors for operational management).
Turn a C\Prof collection server into a dedicated listener that forward all requests and performs no collection itself (see Using a C\Prof collection server as a dedicated listener for collection requests).
Configure a CICS region to allow C\Prof to automatically start and stop the CICS internal trace as required for collection purposes (see Configuring automatic internal trace control).
Perform a cleanup of your collected data using housekeeping (see Cleaning up old collection data via housekeeping).
Configure your systems for optimum performance (see Configuring for optimum performance).
Control the collector via operator commands (see Controlling the collector via operator commands).
Review the sections to the left to get started.