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Universe 11.X Configurable Parameters: 1 of 2

January 24, 2018

As you might expect for an expressive application development platform called upon to provide services across a wide range of scenarios, from small independent end user sites through to large scale solutions, Rocket® UniVerse requires a certain degree of configuration management.


The UniVerse configurable parameters, visible through the CONFIG ALL command, can be grouped into four categories:

  1. Those that enable or disable specific features.
  2. Those that modify behavior to emulate other platforms.
  3. Those that affect run-time performance.
  4. Those that determine hard limits for the system.

With the assimilation of more features from UniData in UniVerse 11.x, the number of parameters that falls into the last category has increased, and I’d like to add some information on the role of these new parameters in UniVerse.

This two-part blog will concentrate on the latter two categories, explaining some of these parameters and when and where you might choose to adjust them.