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Mainframe Vulnerability Management: Navigating the Demands of DORA and PCI 4.0

John Crossno

In today's evolving cyber landscape, risk management is paramount for organizations, especially those in the finance and banking sectors. The stakes are incredibly high considering that 91% of mainframe organizations have experienced a breach within the last five years. The need for robust risk management solutions, such as comprehensive mainframe security software and mainframe security services, is absolutely crucial. 

Cybercriminals are continually innovating, leveraging advanced technologies to enhance their hacking capabilities. Your security strategies, therefore, must constantly evolve to keep up with this complex reality. This includes adopting advanced mainframe security tools and undertaking periodic mainframe penetration testing to identify potential mainframe vulnerabilities. Read How to Start a Mainframe Vulnerability Management Program to learn how your security tools and strategies must constantly evolve to keep up with this complex reality.

The Evolving Cyberthreat Landscape

Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated, leveraging advanced technologies and AI-driven initiatives to enhance their phishing and hacking capabilities. These well-funded entities are challenging to counter, making it essential for security strategies to evolve in tandem. It’s no longer sufficient to rely on outdated methods; organizations must adopt comprehensive approaches to protect their infrastructure—mainframes included.

The Importance of Mainframe Security

Mainframes often serve as the backbone of an organization’s IT infrastructure, handling critical data and transactions. Despite their robust nature, mainframes are not immune to vulnerabilities. Traditional configuration-based vulnerability scanning offers a level of protection but failing to address code-based vulnerabilities at the operating system level leaves a significant gap in your defenses. The cost of neglecting these vulnerabilities can be staggering, running into millions if breaches occur.

Regulatory Pressures: DORA and PCI DSS 4.0

Regulatory bodies are acutely aware of the evolving threat landscape and are increasingly mandating more rigorous security measures. Enter DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) and PCI 4.0 (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). Both frameworks underscore the necessity for frequent and comprehensive vulnerability scanning.


DORA emphasizes the importance of operational resilience in the financial sector. It mandates that organizations implement mechanisms to promptly identify and manage ICT-related incidents, including those affecting mainframes. Regular and thorough vulnerability scans are a cornerstone of this approach, ensuring that potential weaknesses are identified and rectified before they can be exploited.

PCI 4.0

Further adding to this regulatory pressure is PCI 4.0 (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), which emphasizes proactive identification and mitigation of risks to ensure a more dynamic and continuous compliance. It pushes businesses to perform multiple vulnerability scans annually using sophisticated mainframe audit tools, covering all aspects of their technology stack, including mainframes. 

Actionable Steps for Compliance and Security

To align with DORA and PCI 4.0, and to effectively safeguard your organization against cyber threats, here are some actionable steps:

  • Implement Comprehensive Scanning: Employ both configuration-based and code-based scanning methods as a part of your mainframe vulnerability management strategy for holistic protection. 
  • Increase Scan Frequency: Regular scans should be conducted multiple times per year, as mandated by regulations to aid in early detection and prompt remediation of vulnerabilities.
  • Cultivate a Security-First Culture: Encourage your teams to prioritize mainframe security best practices and adopt scalable risk management practices. 
  • Collaborate with Experts: Engage with cybersecurity experts to ensure that your strategies are aligned with the latest best practices and regulatory requirements.


Mainframe vulnerability management is no longer an option; it’s a necessity. With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the stringent demands of regulations like DORA and PCI 4.0, organizations must prioritize regular, comprehensive vulnerability scans. By doing so, you not only ensure compliance but also significantly bolster your defenses against potential breaches.

For those looking to stay ahead in this dynamic landscape, adopting a proactive and comprehensive approach to mainframe security is key. Read How to Start a Mainframe Vulnerability Management Program today to protect your organization, secure your data, and ensure your operations remain resilient against the ever-looming cyber threats.