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Lift Off: The Rocket Software Rocketeer Profile Series - Get to Know Jan Walsh

Rocket Software

January 16, 2024

We talk a lot about our values of Empathy, Humanity, Trust, and Love here at Rocket Software. Those values help us keep our customers at the leading edge of their digital transformation and modernization journeys. But that success is only possible because of the Rocketeers who are all-in on those core values, bringing their passion and industry-leading expertise to every challenge that comes their way.

Our next Rocketeer to step into the spotlight is Jan Walsh, the Vice President of Customer Solutions Engineering. A passionate leader, Jan brings excitement for learning and excellent customer support to everything she does at Rocket Software. Join us as we get to know Jan.

Fast Facts

One word to describe the Rocket culture?   

Coffee or tea?   
Both. Coffee in the morning, tea the rest of the day

Proud Moment?   
Watching my three daughters accomplish their goals

Favorite Rocket Software value?   

Bucket List Destination?   

What is your role at Rocket Software, and what does a typical day look like?

I lead the professional services team at Rocket Software, which ensures the successful adoption of our products among our customers. Customer Solutions Engineering involves designing and delivering solutions to Rocket Software customers that enable them to realize the value of their Rocket Software investment. A typical day can vary for me; sometimes, it's meeting with my team or strategizing sales deals, and on other days, I'm getting in the weeds on problem-solving or overseeing professional services finances. There's always something going on.

What interested you in Rocket Software?

I joined the company as part of an acquisition in 2011 from a much smaller company called Aldon. Coming into a new team, I was exposed to a diverse, super-talented set of peers, all with unique experiences, which presented so many new learning opportunities for me. The opportunity to step into a company like Rocket Software was really exciting for me.

How would you describe the team and work environment within your department/Rocket Software?

My team consists of experts across various disciplines crucial to our professional service offering. We have solutioning, project management, delivery engineering, and operations teams filled with talented individuals. Together, we're dedicated to delivering top-notch results for our customers every single day. We are committed to Rocket Software's core values, prioritizing our customers and each other, which shapes an environment centered on achieving exceptional outcomes and supporting one another through any challenges we face.

What projects/aspects of your job bring you the most excitement?

I find excitement in various aspects of my role at Rocket Software. Whether it's my team helping to close complex deals, our project management team ensuring a seamless customer experience, or our consultants providing complex solutions resulting in satisfied customers—each accomplishment makes me feel enthusiastic about our work. Witnessing our team's achievements, especially in making customers genuinely happy, validates our hard work and expertise. Generating insightful analyses from our data or operations team that directly benefits external stakeholders adds another layer of excitement, affirming that we're on the right track and fulfilling our purpose at Rocket Software.

What is one of your proudest moments during your time at Rocket Software?

My proudest moment at Rocket Software came in 2017 when we built a unified professional services organization. Collaborating with Jay Leader and my colleague Kirk Kaynor, we brainstormed, designed, and led this initiative, laying the foundation for our department's evolution. Starting with fewer than 40 members, we've grown to over a hundred, expanding our product responsibilities and tackling greater complexities. Being at the helm of this effort and witnessing its growth and impact on our company's services have been defining and proud moments in my journey here.

Do you think Rocket Software’s core values of Empathy, Humanity, Trust, and Love are unique from other companies? And how do you live by these in your day-to-day role?

I find Rocket Software's core values of Empathy, Humanity, Trust, and Love distinctive due to their tangible presence in the company's DNA. To me, these values are not just words but are actively practiced principles shaping decision-making and interactions. What sets Rocket Software apart is the palpable existence of these values in action. They're evident in every conversation, reflected in how employees treat one another, clients, and partners.

I try to weave these values into my leadership approach, fostering an environment where empathy fuels team interactions, trust underpins collaborations, and humanity resonates through every decision. I also actively promote these values, ensuring they guide my team's actions and resonate in every project, creating an inclusive and collaborative work environment.

Rocket Software inspires an environment where diversity is celebrated and respected, people are valued for their unique contributions, and where each Rocketeer feels a sense of belonging. The Rocket Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (RIDE) Program helps foster these beliefs. Tell us why you think DEI in the workplace is so important today. If you’ve participated in any RIDE initiatives previously, please share!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are not just buzzwords but essential for a thriving workplace. In my view, embracing diversity brings varied perspectives to the table, fostering innovation and creativity. Equity ensures fair opportunities for everyone, while inclusion creates a sense of belonging where everyone’s voice is heard and valued. I believe that a workplace that prioritizes DEI isn't just a more welcoming and supportive environment. It also attracts diverse talent, which enhances the company's success by reflecting a broader range of ideas and experiences.

I've been an active member of Rocket Software's RIDE program since it began in 2020. Within RIDE, I'm currently involved in the culture pillar, which aims to deepen awareness and integration of Rocket’s culture within Rocket Software and externally. Participating in RIDE resonates deeply with my personal and professional values, especially in advocating for diversity, inclusion, and equity. I believe in creating an environment where everyone's unique perspectives are valued and where fairness and inclusivity thrive. Being part of RIDE allows me to champion these ideals and contribute to shaping a workplace where everyone feels a true sense of belonging.