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Lift Off: The Rocket Software Rocketeer Profile Series - Get to Know Elinga Kavaliauskiene

Rocket Software

February 29, 2024

We talk a lot about our values of Empathy, Humanity, Trust, and Love here at Rocket Software. Those values help us keep our customers at the leading edge of their digital transformation and modernization journeys. But that success is only possible because of the Rocketeers who are all-in on those core values, bringing their passion and industry-leading expertise to every challenge that comes their way.

Our next Rocketeer to step into the spotlight is Elinga Kavaliauskiene, Rocket Software’s country manager for Lithuania and senior director of engineering. From finance to recruitment and engineering, Elinga plays a key role in fostering innovation across the company and ensuring growth. Join us as we get to know Elinga.

Fast Facts

One word to describe the Rocket culture?

Coffee or tea?
Definitely coffee—and a lot of it, too

Proud Moment?
Being a mother to my two kids

Favorite Rocket Software value?

Bucket List Destination?
Japan—And I’m finally going in April!

What is your role at Rocket Software, and what does a typical day look like?

My role at Rocket Software is to align our Lithuanian operations with the company's global success strategy.

This involves engaging with various stakeholders to help improve things at Rocket Software and what role the Lithuania site can play there. Many of my conversations are about employees – retention, growth, performance, and attraction to the future. I also help to see how we can grow our people further in the organization, which would impact innovative solutions to our product portfolio. People don’t want to develop; they are keen to make a difference and want to see our customers using our products. There are many meetings, but every day is different for me, and I love that about my job.

What interested you in Rocket Software?

I didn’t know much about Rocket Software before I joined. I had experience building mainframe expertise back at Barclays Bank in Lithuania. I was invited to share some information about the mainframe talent pool in Lithuania for potential investors who were thinking of entering the Lithuanian market. It was Rocket Software, and after I joined, I realized that I knew a lot more about Rocket Software’s products than I thought and had even used some of them at my old job.

My interest in Rocket Software was sparked by the opportunity to collaborate with top-tier professionals at Rocket Software who know this technology like the backs of their hands and are eager to share their experience. I knew there was so much more I could learn at Rocket Software that I wouldn’t be able to learn anywhere else. Also, I must be honest that I was extremely interested in contributing to building a new development center for Rocket Software from scratch – it is a big responsibility, and I am extremely grateful for it.

How would you describe the team and work environment within your department/Rocket Software?

Working here is like having an extended family. We’re a very informal and flat organization, and it encourages collaboration and a sense of belonging. Whenever I’m interviewing new talent, and they ask me about Rocket Software’s company culture, I always say that we have the best people. We laugh, we cry—everything we do – we do together. This job connects us all and makes me feel so lucky to work here and have an opportunity to know all these fantastic people.

What projects/aspects of your job bring you the most excitement?

I find immense excitement in cultivating talent and witnessing their professional growth within our Lithuanian site. The journey from junior roles to conference speakers fills me with pride. This keeps me going and gets me excited about what the future will bring us.

What is one of your proudest moments during your time at Rocket Software?

A few years back, we were responsible for working on a significant product portfolio. Seeing the results that the team here in Lithuania achieved in a short period made me so proud. We got great feedback from the subject matter experts in the U.S. about our engineers here, and it was amazing to get that recognition from some of the best and brightest at Rocket Software.

Do you think Rocket Software’s core values of Empathy, Humanity, Trust, and Love are unique from other companies? And how do you live by these in your day-to-day role?

Our values at Rocket Software are different because they’re so straightforward. Many companies try to be smart with their core values, but then they don’t make much sense because they don’t come naturally. The values here can be so easily integrated into your daily life that you don’t need to overthink them to help uplift yourself and your coworkers with Empathy, Humanity, Trust, and Love.

You'll see results when you stop and take the time to help your team and colleagues. It’s not just about you and your job here; we work as a team, and these values remind us of that.

Rocket Software inspires an environment where diversity is celebrated and respected, people are valued for their unique contributions, and where each Rocketeer feels a sense of belonging. The Rocket Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (RIDE) Program helps foster these beliefs. Tell us why you think DEI in the workplace is so important today. If you’ve participated in any RIDE initiatives previously, please share!

In the office, we have people from all over—not just from across Lithuania but coming from abroad to live and work here. For them, this is a massive step in their lives, and DEI initiatives can help us be more inclusive to make sure they feel welcomed and loved here. There are so many amazing and talented people worldwide and across different backgrounds.

The RIDE program is just one way we implement DEI at Rocket Software and foster the right environment. From mentorship to fireside chats, we can learn more about each other, uplift one another, and be better. We have so many ways for people to get involved with RIDE that it never feels forced. Of course, it’s encouraged, and many Rocketeers are involved, but you can choose your own adventure and find your way to uplift your fellow Rocketeers.