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Liberty Mutual Insurance is a diversified global insurer and the second largest property and casualty insurer in the U.S. With over 50,000 employees, 900 offices worldwide, and 40 billion records, Liberty Mutual Insurance requires a high volume, flexible solution to house their records and reports. As a leader in the insurance industry, Liberty Mutual wanted to reduce its data footprint and completely eliminate data centers within its organization within the next five years by moving to a public cloud solution.


Liberty Mutual has numerous vendor repositories tightly coupled to business applications, making them too difficult to adapt to a changing infrastructure. If they were to migrate into the cloud, the leadership at Liberty Mutual forecasted significant cost savings, security improvements beyond the Liberty Mutual PCI-compliant network, and stability improvements. They chose Amazon Web Services (AWS), which claims companies moving to their cloud solution will save a minimum of 30% of current infrastructure spending. Liberty Mutual’s internal fact-finding did not dispute that claim. Moving each of Liberty Mutual’s content repositories to another hosting platform or converting the repositories to a different environment proved problematic and expensive. Upgrading the existing systems would have been too laborious a process and required the coordination and collaboration of over a dozen teams across the entire organization. However, Liberty Mutual would need to move its content to the cloud quickly to remain competitive against newer businesses that do not have legacy systems and began their businesses with cloud-based services.


Liberty Mutual used Rocket® Mobius as its content management system to direct documents, print streams, and reports from every content-producing and content-consuming business team in its organization.
Rocket Software worked with Liberty Mutual to create a solution that required minimal resource effort and ease of use. Compared with other options, Mobius was able to provide the benefits in a quick timeframe. Of only two available options, Mobius was the flexible enterprise content solution of choice that supported Liberty Mutual on Amazon Web Services.

“Mobius supports the old and new. This is a big deal when attempting to move and become nimble. We can leverage our legacy systems by using Mobius, and we can also use new technologies that startup competitors have begun implementing. Mobius for AWS helps us address the external and internal challenges of our industry,” said Bryan Harrison, Liberty Mutual’s Senior Software Developer and Acting Principle of Archive Design.
Harrison went on to explain that the Mobius suite of technologies would also support open source (Tomcat), and industry-standard specifications (CMIS). It will also allow Liberty Mutual to bridge from mainframe and multiple legacy repositories to cloud-based systems like AWS. In addition to managing document repositories, Mobius for AWS enables dozens of business applications to find and retrieve documents from multiple document repositories seamlessly. Extracting these repositories through Mobius allows the Liberty Mutual Document Management team to migrate repositories without impacting business productivity.

Mobius became the primary archive content repository for formatted documents on Amazon Web Services. It houses regulatory archives for long-term preservation and day-to-day access, providing advanced Federated Search methods to support access to unlimited content by thousands of Liberty Mutual associates.

In addition, Mobius enabled Liberty Mutual to continue directing documents from multiple lines of business without worrying about the format of the incoming media. The makeup of the content ranged from Xerox meta-code, MOD:CA, Microsoft Word documents, PDFs, mainframe EBCDIC, ASCII text, JPGs, video files, and audio files.

Moving off the mainframe to content repositories gives Liberty Mutual greater control over the archival, distribution, access, and integration of all the content in their company. Their end-user community can access their information with complete transparency.

Using Rocket Professional Services, Liberty Mutual was able to implement Mobius much quicker, saving the company implementation time and costs. With additional savings on infrastructure spending (computing and storage costs) and reducing employee overtime, Liberty Mutual can reinvest its savings into new development initiatives rather than ongoing maintenance costs.

  1. Flexible: Mobius allowed Liberty Mutual to direct documents from different teams across the organization without worrying about the format.
  2. Time and cost saving: The support from the Rocket Professional Services team accelerated the implementation of Mobius, saving Liberty Mutual significant costs and time.
  3. Transparent: The end-users were able to access information with complete transparency.
Rocket Mobius allows us to stay nimble with the changing challenges in our industry. Liberty Mutual and my team are very happy with the direction Mobius software is going. With the cost savings we expect to see from implementing Mobius on AWS, we will begin to reinvest savings into new development rather than ongoing maintenance.
Eric York, Technologist / Acting Architect for Commercial Insurance Document Solutions, Liberty Mutual

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