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A medical supply company serving the largest network of healthcare distributors in North America relies on Rocket to ensure supplies are put in the right hands at the right time.


A global medical supply company and Rocket customer experienced a large uptick in demand for supplies in early 2020. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, they were shipping 3-4 times their normal volume as the word’s hospitals and health providers scrambled to keep up with the influx of patients. The organization needed assurance that their applications would continue to be stable, fast, and secure.


Working with technical experts at the company, the Rocket team had previously implemented Rocket UniData and performed health checks, cloud migration, and replication set-up. This allowed the company to enable rapid development and scale their business applications as their demand increased during the pandemic. We have continued to work closely with the company to maintain uninterrupted operations and assist in any way possible, including providing extended development assistance and incremental UniData licenses if needed.

As a company driven by our core values and customer-centricity, it is important we consider the health of the products we provide and the humans within the organizations we serve. The stability of Rocket UniData allows us to ensure our customers’ business stay up and running while we build the relationships necessary towards success.
P. Gary Gregory
General Manager
Database Business & Connectivity Unit
Rocket Software

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Powering the healthcare industry during a global crisis
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