


CGU, a subsidiary of Insurance Australia Group (IAG), has been providing insurance services for more than 160 years. The company sells its products through a network of more than 1,000 intermediaries and 100 business partners. More than 4,000 employees work in its more than 75 branches and representative offices throughout Australia. The company insures nearly half a million properties, more than a million motor vehicles, over 125,000 businesses, and 60,000 farms.


As one of Australia’s oldest and most prestigious insurers, CGU constantly added or upgraded its software to remain an elite provider of indemnity services. However, time-intensive manual change control processes prevented the company from updating applications at a fast enough pace to meet its forecasted growth.

To support its major five-year IT transformation initiative, CGU turned to PCS Pty Ltd., now Kantion Pty Ltd., a leading Australian IT firm with a focus on helping large organizations manage their infrastructures. The goal was to implement an application lifecycle management (ALM) system that could support CGU's constantly expanding technology requirements.


  • Automated and safeguarded the development process
  • Enabled 20+ developers to manage development and deployments in 30 environments
  • Reduced average code change time by a factor of 10

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Automates Development to Support Rapid Growth with Zero Downtime
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