
Public Sector


Warwickshire County Council serves a population of more than half a million people across five boroughs in the United Kingdom. Its mission is to develop and deliver quality services targeted to its citizens, ranging from education and libraries to transport, public safety, social care, business, and public health.


To evaluate and continuously improve its services, the Council regularly compiled statistics based on hundreds of different criteria. The organization comprised four groups: people, communities, resources, and fire. Each of these groups had one or more performance managers who were responsible for reporting on results specific to their area.

Warwickshire performance managers relied heavily on spreadsheets, with each manager collecting, collating, and reporting data separately. The Council also deployed a performance management system, but not all departments used it, and the system was nearing the end of its license agreement. Because the reporting process was extremely time-consuming, the corporate performance team struggled with aggregating the data into one actionable view with clear metrics and potential recommendations for improvement. To address this scenario, senior management initiated a search for a solution that would provide greater transparency across the entire organization.


  • Gained a single dashboard with a clear overview of the Council’s core projects and milestones
  • Saved significant time and labor on data collection and reporting
  • Improved ability to monitor, analyze, and continuously improve reporting and service delivery—despite budget and staffing cuts

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Case Studies

Improves Service Delivery with Centralized Reporting and Dashboards
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