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Financial & Banking


Scotiabank International is one of North America’s premier financial institutions. Founded in 1832 in Halifax, Novia Scotia, the institution's 90,000 employees serve approximately 23 million customers around the world through Scotiabank Group and its affiliates. The bank maintains three major business lines: Domestic Banking, International Banking, and Scotia Capital. International Banking Systems (IBS) serves the international unit’s information technology needs. The Bank’s International Banking business line operates in more than 40 countries and includes offices in the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico, Latin America, and Asia.


With such a large geographically distributed infrastructure, IBS found it increasingly important to introduce division-wide processes for change management. The bank launched the Change Management Strategy refresh project to better manage its IT processes and support infrastructure. The overall objective was to standardize and bring greater structure and repeatability into its change process.

One of the project's specific goals was to introduce a robust approval mechanism for production changes. The bank needed to ensure that key information regarding changes and their associated risks was consistently documented and shared across departments on a global basis. The project mandate also included a requirement for an audit trail to meet regulatory initiatives. IBS also wanted to create processes that would help individuals, teams, and managers in its labor force to work more efficiently. In particular, the bank hoped to generate metrics on the effectiveness of various processes and use the information to proactively identify potential problems, so that IT could resolve issues in a timely manner.

Rocket Aldon ALM facilitates the centralization of change and problem management. This enables us to see the big picture of change across the organization, spot potential trouble spots in advance, and act accordingly.
Iain Williamson
Senior Change and Risk Manager
Scotiabank International

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Brings Structure and Repeatability to Its Change Processes
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