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Contact centers often rely on mainframe and midrange computer applications to track customer information, process orders, check inventory, manage service status, and more. These rock-solid applications are critical to the business, but their decades-old workflows and green-screen interfaces often don’t meet the needs of employees or customers. As a result, average call handle (ACH) times suffer, productivity is diminished, and upsell or cross-sell revenue opportunities are missed. Rocket Software’s modernization solutions help organizations increase contact center effectiveness by enabling you to build new web and mobile user experiences from tried-and true mainframe and midrange applications


One leading multi-channel retailer places a lot of emphasis on customer service. While customers have no qualms about making purchases online or by phone, they expect responsive, personalized service that meets all their shopping needs. There are many cross-selling opportunities that are important to the company’s continued expansion, with complementary items spanning different product lines. In a competitive industry, this company has grown through acquisition, and they’ve combined multiple lines of business under one brand. Unfortunately, the retailer ran into difficulties delivering the necessary IT support. Because of several acquisitions, customer service representatives (CSRs) had to log in and out of multiple applications and systems to interact with callers.


Instead of choosing an imperfect solution, the retailer decided to build new user and customer experiences relying on their existing business logic using Rocket Software modernization solutions. With Rocket, they increased the value of their existing assets while creating enhanced user experiences for their key constituencies. 

  1. Build a user experience (UX) that matches their business workflow
  2. Wrap host-based functionality into APIs
  3. Enhance existing web and mobile applications

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