Big 5 Sporting Goods
Streamlines Development and Satisfies Compliance Requirements
In recent years, Big 5 experienced rapid growth on both the financial and operations side. After the company completed an initial public offering, it faced an array of new regulatory requirements, including Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance. In addition, Big 5 opened 85 new stores in just five years. While both developments were good for the company's business, they also added new layers of complexity to the organization.
The IPO forced Big 5 to take a step back and look more closely at its operations from both a business and IT process perspective. The company was not accustomed to auditing processes involving both its IT and business units. It needed to ensure that its IT systems were properly equipped to not only support regulatory compliance, but also deliver operational efficiency, providing a foundation for future growth.
The Rocket Software solution not only solves our SOX requirements, it improves and automates IT processes from A to Z. It has gone well beyond our expectations. When the SOX auditors heard we had Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager in place, they checked off the first 10 boxes, knowing we were already in accordance. I think that says it all.
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