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A Key Factor Your DevOps is Missing: Process Discovery

17 October, 2022
In The News

The continuous journey of discovery empowers product and development teams to evolve and refine their ideas so that a product can deliver the most value to the business and its customers. Recently, business leaders are focusing on incorporating continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD), also known as CICD, into their modernization process to allow developers to test the right things at the right time, quickly experiment, make changes, and adapt as needed to drive innovation throughout the business. Continuous, automated testing is an important component of CICD and can equip businesses with a competitive edge in the market. But the success of testing greatly depends on the best practices adopted in a DevOps culture. One of these best practices is process discovery.

Process discovery is critical to not only standard business updates and changes to the application but also key to fine-tuning modernization testing and deployment – driving the most value from both...Continue reading