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The Anker Seacrew Software is a proven maritime business solution from Anker Crew Insurance for the management of crew, planning, and payroll. The specialized software is today used by maritime operators worldwide to handle their on shore and off-shore workforce, document crew changes in their fleets, and coordinate with suppliers. The software readily interfaces with third-party applications via the web and provides over 2,500 Uniface forms for its myriad of maritime functions.


To support growing demand, Anker had to constantly send valuable technical staff to install and update the software on customer systems or servers. Besides being time- and cost-intensive, this approach also limited the speed and number of deployments the company could effectively support at a given time. Some of Anker’s customers were also allowing suppliers to remotely access and use their Seacrew software, which further complicated support efforts. It became clear that a web-based version of the Seacrew software was required. “All of our customers were asking for a web-based version, so we knew we had to do it,” says Mr. Arnold Tepper, Software Developer, Anker Seacrew Software. “There were important advantages for us in terms of reaching new customers and reducing our implementation and maintenance burden.” Besides being easily scalable, the web-based software would also enable over-the-air software updates and seamless synchronization with Anker’s databases, minimizing operational disruption and downtime for existing maritime customers. Anker Crew Insurance also knew that the added convenience of the web-based software would be key to attracting prospective new customers.
The software is very stable. Uniface never crashes, so the system won’t fall over when a customer is trying to get a new crew on board. Another main advantage is Uniface’s speed of development. It’s much faster than other technologies that members of our team have worked with. In addition, we take advantage of Uniface’s ability to interface easily with other systems, for example via web services. That’s important when one of our customers is using a third-party system on board their ships or wants to interface with a travel agent to book and receive flight tickets for example.
Mr. Arnold Tepper
Software Developer,
Anker Seacrew Software

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