Rocket® Journal Manager

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Comprehensive journal management tool that helps your organization control all IDMS journal archive-based activities within an IBM® z/OS® environment.

A comprehensive menu-driven journal management tool

Rocket Journal Manager keeps track of, and controls, journal archive files used in CA-IDMS recovery. In addition to streamlining daily, weekly, or monthly journal consolidation, it can be used with Rocket Replication Agent for journal-based replication, and with Rocket Tracer for reporting and auditing. Recovery procedures have accurate and precise input because information is captured, and journal files are saved to the Journal Manager VSAM file.

  • Integrates with any other tool designed to use journal archive files
  • Provides an online archive management facility with information useful to decision making
  • Enables control of consolidated journal archives
  • Captures information for journal archive data sets and local mode journal update jobs
  • Automates journal offload awareness via the IDMSAJNX exit
  • Automates local mode journal awareness via REPLLOCL
  • Controls and automates the use of files for replications and recoveries of database updates