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Think Your Mainframe Is Secure? Think Again.

John Crossno

*7-minute read*

When it comes to mainframe systems, many organizations operate under the assumption that their robust infrastructure automatically guarantees security. While it's true that mainframe systems are renowned for their strong security features, it is crucial to understand that they are not impervious to threats. Alarmingly, statistics reveal that 91% of mainframe organizations have experienced a data breach or some form of compromise over the last five years. This stark reality highlights the pressing need for risk management and security leaders to elevate mainframe security within their overarching security strategies.

What are these vulnerabilities and threats that mainframe systems face? How can organizations identify them, and what proactive steps can be taken to mitigate these risks? To delve deeper into these critical questions, we invite you to watch our comprehensive 30-minute webinar, Think Your Mainframe is Secure? Think Again. This session addresses these risks head-on and offers valuable insights into protecting your business from potential breaches.

Types of Mainframe Vulnerabilities

To effectively safeguard your mainframe environment, it’s essential to recognize the various types of vulnerabilities that can compromise its integrity. Here are some of the most common vulnerabilities that organizations should be aware of:

  1. Configuration-Based Vulnerabilities: These issues arise from improper settings and configurations that can leave the system exposed to unauthorized access. Misconfigured security settings can turn a robust mainframe into an easy target for malicious actors.

  2. Code-Based Vulnerabilities: Flaws in the code itself can create vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. It’s important for organizations to regularly review and update their code to identify and rectify potential weaknesses.

  3. Insider Threats: Employees or contractors with access to the mainframe can pose a significant risk. Whether through malicious intent or simple human error, insiders can inadvertently compromise security. Organizations need to implement strict access controls and monitoring mechanisms to mitigate this risk.

  4. Low Use of Multifactor Authentication (MFA): The absence of multifactor authentication significantly increases the chances of unauthorized access. MFA adds an extra layer of security that helps protect sensitive data from being compromised by cyber attackers.

Configuration and Code-Based Vulnerability Scanning – You Can’t Have One Without the Other

If you have solutions like Zsecure or Vanguard security suite, you're in good hands. However, this doesn't cover code-based vulnerability scanning which is crucial for optimal mainframe vulnerability management.

Understanding and analyzing your current technologies, solutions, and processes for mainframe security is the first step toward effective risk management. While the tools you may be using are robust, you are not guaranteed complete security without a deep-dive analysis to ensure you are addressing all vulnerability types for optimal mainframe risk management. Organizations must complement these tools with additional security measures and best practices.

Mainframe Integrity Does Not Equal Security

It’s essential to differentiate between mainframe integrity and security to understand why both are crucial. IBM has a Statement of Integrity on the mainframe that must be adhered to. Due diligence is necessary to ensure those rules are being followed. For example, before storing data, you must do due diligence to ensure there’s a valid address to store it in. If not validated properly, the operating system can point at security credentials and authorize or escalate the authority of a hacker. What does this really mean? System integrity is the ability of an operating system to protect data and itself from unauthorized changes. Without mainframe integrity, you are leaving a gaping hole in your operating system layer, where vulnerabilities can be exploited.

Implementing Effective Mainframe Security Measures

To effectively safeguard your enterprise against potential vulnerabilities, consider implementing the following steps:

  1. Appoint a Mainframe Security Architect: A dedicated security architect can help design and maintain a secure mainframe environment tailored to your business needs. This role is critical in identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them.

  2. Implement Code-Based Vulnerability Scanning: Regularly scanning your code for vulnerabilities can help you identify weaknesses before they escalate into significant threats. Automated tools like Rocket z/Assure can aid in this process, allowing for continuous monitoring and remediation.

  3. Regularly Conduct Mainframe Penetration Tests: Periodic penetration testing is vital for revealing security weaknesses within your mainframe. These tests provide insights into how to strengthen defenses and address vulnerabilities.

  4. Implement Frequent Compliance Checking: Consistent compliance monitoring is a base-lining approach to security configuration, which helps security teams build a continuous process for identifying and alerting on instances in which critical system configurations drift from policy. It also answers questions, such as, “Are you in sync with your company’s security policy?", "Do users have appropriate access?", and "How pervasive is excessive access?”

  5. Full Implementation of Multifactor Authentication (MFA): Deploying MFA adds an extra layer of security that significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. By requiring multiple forms of verification, organizations can better protect sensitive information and systems.

By knowing where your vulnerabilities lie and taking proactive measures to address them, you can fortify your mainframe’s security. A combination of code-based vulnerability scanning, regular penetration testing, compliance monitoring, and full implementation of MFA will significantly enhance your overall security posture.

Why Prioritizing Mainframe Security is Crucial

Neglecting mainframe security measures can expose your enterprise to severe financial losses and complicate compliance with essential regulations such as DORA, PCI 4.0, and NY State. By proactively addressing vulnerabilities, organizations can strengthen their overall security posture and shield themselves from non-compliance issues and breaches.

It’s vital to recognize that mainframe security is not a one-time task but rather a continuous commitment. By thoroughly understanding the potential risks your mainframe may face and implementing the right preventive measures, you can protect your enterprise from costly events while ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Is your mainframe system ready for a potential threat? Don’t leave it to chance. Watch our full webinar today and let us help you develop a fortified security strategy tailored to your organization's specific needs. Together, we can navigate the complexities of mainframe security and ensure that your enterprise remains resilient against evolving threats.

Watch our full webinar