Rocket® Outbound Enterprise

Consolidate your current data transfer mechanisms and softwares into a single, enterprise-wide solution for moving data across platforms.

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Outbound Enterprise enables you to move data to the right place, in the right format

Multi-platform managed file transfer solution

A dynamic, multi-platform, managed file transfer product that enables you to transfer files of any record size or block size combination between disparate platforms.

Extensive compatibility

You can run unattended data transfers between IBM®-compatible, zSeries servers (IBM® z/OS®, VSE, VM, and zLinux) and distributed platforms including Windows®, Linux®, Unix®, and AS/400® systems. Outbound Enterprise supports transfers of DB2® tables and provides the ability to extract fields from DB2 databases and VSAM and QSAM data sets.

Secure and Controlled File Transfers

Outbound Enterprise safeguards data with external security integration, including RACF®, ensuring secure access and compliance. It logs all transfer activity for auditability and supports controlled, user-initiated transfers while maintaining security policies.

Efficient and Secure Data Transfer Solution

This solution meets the needs of modern businesses looking to optimize their data management processes. Below are the key capabilities:

  • Initiates transfers from a scheduler or an application program according to a prearranged schedule or as data becomes available
  • Records all activity by command in audit file records
  • Optionally compresses data — providing up to 90 percent compression
  • Checkpoint/Restart capability allows data transfers to be restarted from the point-of-failure, eliminating the need to restart the data transfer from the beginning
  • Server feature lets your users initiate transfers — ad hoc or predefined — right from their desktops. You can even embed transfers in Microsoft Word®, Excel®, Visual Basic® and C applications
  • Secures your file transfers with an interface to external security products such as RACF®

With Outbound Enterprise, you gain:

  • Graphic Development Interface (GDI)
  • Application modularity
  • Suitability for decision making and knowledge-based applications
  • No CGI programming or scripting language knowledge requirements
  • Customized, end-user interface for deployment with a host of applications
  • Compatible with outside programs and relational databases