Rocket® Tracer

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Take advantage of the valuable information that IDMS automatically writes to its journal files about updates to your database

Unlock powerful information 

Rocket Tracer reformats cryptic database images and converts them into an easily accessible and understandable format. You can use these results as input to your own report applications or use the pre-written reporting facility included with Tracer. Tracer reports are essential for auditing activity against your IDMS database and pinpointing performance bottlenecks. It unlocks powerful information from the data automatically stored on the CA-IDMS journals. 

The before and after images of all updated records is reassembled into the data that the updating program saw in its record buffers at the time. Tracer produces a simple -to -use reformatted record file. Using this file of record images and original verbs in the order of their occurrences in time, you can write your own programs to report, replicate, audit, etc. The tracker component of tracer uses an SQL-like language to select data for reporting down to a single record field.


  • Reports performance information concerning program and run unit execution times, resources used, access by users, locks caused, and aborts
  • Supplies a detailed account of updates made through DBOL and CA-DMLO
  • Allows you to specify selection criteria, including DB key selection and SQL-like data selection statements
  • Provides record-element-level audit trails that show updates to record occurrences and changes to pointers
  • Lists details about the updates, such as author, changes, and dates
  • Reformats journal archive records for use in recovering lost data, fixing data corruption problems, and transferring data to a parallel master CA-IDMS database or another environment