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Rocket MV BASIC for VS Code 2.2.0 features highly stable and performant debugging

Yunpu Zhao

September 26, 2026

We're excited to introduce everyone to v 2.2.0 of Rocket MV BASIC for Visual Studio Code. We've added a new debugging feature that significantly improves performance and stability using gRPC and related technologies. (Currently compatible only with UniVerse 11.4.1's Windows / Linux versions.)

Implementation of Previous Debugging

In v1.6.0, we initially introduced debugging. This feature communicated with the MV Server using UOJ+UniRpc. We sent debugging command-line instructions (CLI) to the MV Server and retrieved the results as strings, which represented the execution outcome of the CLI instructions. Decoding these strings was necessary to obtain the required debugging data but process had a lot of room for improvement.

Introducing gRPC

gRPC is a modern open-source remote procedure call (RPC) framework that efficiently connects services within and outside data centers, offering customizable load balancing, tracking, health checks, and authentication. gRPC utilizes Protocol Buffers as a lightweight binary data serialization format for defining data structures and interfaces, known for efficient encoding/decoding and version compatibility. By combining gRPC and Protocol Buffers, the result is efficient, fast, and reliable communication between client and server. Additionally, we packaged debugging data compactly and send it directly to the client. You’ll notice a significant improvement in the data transfer speed and the stability.

Performance Improvement

By integrating gRPC and Protocol Buffers, we’ve significantly improved the performance of a substantial portion of the debugging functions. Below are results from tests we conducted on the Linux platform, showing outcomes from running the same ten debugging function:

Debugging Feature
(run 10 times) 

Time-Consumed in CLI
Mode (millisecond)
Time-Consumed in gRPC
Mode (millisecond)
stackTrace 456936 16861
stepIn 12368 3538
stepOut 44903 14
variables 184718 5
evaluate 118 3
continue 23695 19773

Note: Test results may vary across different platforms and environments.


Currently, this new debugging feature only works on UniVerse 11.4.1, so we recommend upgrading or planning your upgrade soon! Please note, the previous version of the debug feature still works on the new plugin version, and we'll keep supporting it.

Upgrade and try MVVS v2.2.0 today!

The Rocket MV BASIC for VS Code team is committed to providing a modern development tool, giving developers an effortless, efficient, and reliable user experience. We hope this debugging functionality enhancement can assist you resolve challenges you encounter during development, elevating your overall development efficiency.

Please visit the VS Code Marketplace to download the free Rocket MV BASIC for VS Code extension today.