Rocket® MV BASIC for Visual Studio Code

MultiValue and VS Code, editing for the future

Modernize your R&D teams’ development environment while making code editing and debugging easier and more productive

Address your skills gap

MV BASIC for VS Code is the right tool to attract and retain the next generation of developers. It’s a powerful extension for Visual Studio Code, the fastest-growing development tool, add a comma for clarity and a favorite of recent college grads, many of whom never learned BASIC.

Preview new debugging features

By detecting and analyzing errors in your BASIC code, the Debugging feature makes it easy to debug and fix BASIC programs.

Using VS Code with Rocket MV Basic

Advanced editing features help you modernize, simplify, and work more productively:

  • One-stop BASIC program editing, through a JSON-based language server protocol (LSP)
  • LSP editing features include highlighting, go-to definition, find reference, hover documentation, rename variables/functions, code folding, auto complete, formatting and more
  • Code outlining for variables, functions, subroutines, and labels
  • Customizable configuration options
  • Detailed documentation

If you’re ready to take your BASIC editing to the next level, Rocket® MV BASIC for VS Code is ready for you now.