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Rocket® Mainframe Integrity Assessment Services

Shine a light (deep) into your mainframe code.  

No matter how meticulously protected and maintained, your mainframe is at perpetual risk. Just one line of poorly written authorized software code could expose you to millions of dollars in liabilities and losses.

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Hackers or intent state actors. Hasty coding decisions that rewire around security controls. A single zero-day operating system vulnerability that opens the keys to the z/OS® kingdom.

Stay ahead of z/OS® integrity threats.

Rocket Mainframe Integrity Assessment Services provide a proactive approach to continuously ensuring mainframe integrity at the code level. Our services are designed to help you achieve compliance, both internal and external, delivered by pioneering experts with decades of knowledge and experience defending z/OS systems.

Our team of experts will report out on questions such as:

  • How many SVCs have vulnerabilities?
  • How many PC routines have vulnerabilities?
  • How many APF libraries have vulnerabilities?
  • What are the categories and types of vulnerabilities that were discovered? Which vendors?

With Rocket Integrity Assessments, find confidence in the resiliency of your mainframe.

The Rocket Approach

Our time-tested approach has been honed over hundreds of engagements. We’ve got our fingers on the pulse of the latest vulnerabilities and attack vectors.

  • Discover
  • Prioritize
  • Assess
  • Report
  • Remediate
  • Verify

By proactively and strategically assessing your mainframe operating system for vulnerabilities, you’ll preserve its integrity. And, importantly, the integrity of your business.

Rocket Z/Assure Vulnerability Analysis Program for the offense.

We first conduct a scan of your environment using our z/Assure® Vulnerability Analysis Program technology, which measures the severity of each vulnerability using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) methodology. As a trusted industry system for ranking the severity of vulnerabilities, CVSS allows us to report on any poorly written authorized code that we find in your system. Our detailed reporting then helps you understand and communicate mainframe risks to your internal teams or software providers for remediation.

  • Protect against hidden threats
  • Limit risk of damage and costly compliance violations
  • Rapidly detect and respond to OS vulnerabilities
  • Offload the technical burden of manual vulnerability scans
  • Easily integrate MF security scanning into corporate risk programs
  • Maintain regulatory compliance with comprehensive IT security reporting

Our solutions include proprietary technologies and actionable intelligence including:

  • Automated, real-time, binary code scanning
  • Precise vulnerability detection
  • Detailed vulnerability reports
  • Proactive defense strategies

A right-sized solution that’s ready when you are.

Choose from three levels of coverage, to fit your business and your needs.

  • Vulnerability Analysis Light (VAL)
  • Vulnerability Analysis & Management (VAM)
  • Vulnerability Management Expert (VAM-ex)