Rocket® Mainstar® FastAudit
Reduce single points of failure with high-speed, accurate, audits
Enable high-speed, accurate, flexible audits of mainframe data, reducing or eliminating single points of failure
Avoid outages and ensure data integrity
As the amount of data grows, the role of DFSMShsm becomes increasingly critical. Using FastAudit, you can keep DFSMShsm running smoothly and accurately, with minimal time and resources.
Identify and resolve corruption issues
FastAudit is more than 60x to 150x faster than the DFSMShsm AUDIT and Enhanced AUDIT commands, allowing you to run metadata audits frequently, even during heavy processing times.
Without fast, accurate, reliable audits, you risk losing access not only to your IBM zSystems data but also to your migrated DFSMS and DFSMShsm data. In the typical mainframe environment, DFSMShsm manages hundreds of thousands to millions of data assets. As the amount of data grows, the role of DFSMShsm becomes increasingly critical. Using FastAudit, you can keep DFSMShsm running smoothly and accurately.
To avoid serious outages, you need a powerful yet easy-to-use audit and maintenance program. Using Mainstar FastAudit, you can keep track of the health of your metadata structures, prioritize the auditing of business-critical data, and improve productivity by customizing and automating error correction. You can determine the CPU cost of reading incomplete and unneeded records, maintain data integrity with a built-in error-verification process, and more.
With Rocket Mainstar® FastAudit as your data integration solution, you can conduct high-speed, accurate, and flexible audits of your IBM® zSystems® data — reducing or eliminating single points of failure. Storage administrators can maintain healthy metadata environments and prevent temporary or permanent loss of data access. With fast, accurate metadata audits, your IBM® z/OS® environment stays trouble-free.