Rocket® DR/Xpert

Disaster recovery assurance through automation

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Rocket® DR/Xpert® software provides comprehensive disaster recovery automation and security for critical application disaster recovery needs. Whether recovering a single application, or recovering all applications, DR/Xpert achieves recovery point objective automatically — without assembling experts at the recovery site in hopes of piecing together fuzzy backups into a viable recovery.

Automatic and accurate data identification

Disaster recovery assurance shouldn’t be a manual and all-consuming task. It's expensive and inefficient for personnel to identify critical data, and properly process that data for compliance, vaulting or mirroring. Rocket DR/Xpert ensures consistent data recovery — automatically — with minimal administration.

DR/Xpert collects information from SMF, JCL libraries, and the production job scheduler, then analyzes this information to identify the data that is truly critical, replacing manual processes that are time-consuming and error-prone. This process includes data in the (physical or virtual) tape backup, supports the existing mirroring plan, and automates change management.

DRExpert process graph



Rocket DR/Xpert


Data Migration


Rocket in Healthcare

Compliance Documentation

Basel III Compliance with Rocket® OpenTech

Compliance Documentation

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Rocket® OpenTech

Compliance documentation

Trust Services Principles for Service Organization Controls Reports with Rocket® OpenTech