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Is Your Business Resilient?

Ray Methvin

April 17, 2020

As I work from home and talk to my customers, I’m hearing first-hand about how restrictions meant to contain the virus are forcing companies into new business models, simply to survive. Many companies were not prepared to jump to a “work from home” model, or to shift their business to e-commerce or to provide mobile access. The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in business models. On the other hand, while I don’t believe anyone was prepared for the impact of COVID-19, I’m also hearing stories from the companies with a more mobile workforce, or with e-commerce and mobile access already in place who are adjusting to the new normal in a much more efficient manner and with less impact to the company.

As seasoned businesspeople, we are always reflecting on what we’ve learned and how we can improve to better prepare for whatever is thrown at us next. I’m curious to know if you will adjust your business plan because of the COVID-19 pandemic?

While we’re in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, is it is too early to reflect on the last 60 days and share your thoughts on what you’ve learned?

I’ll share something I’ve learned. Leading with the heart can be hampered by standard business procedures. And, when someone needs a lifeline, standard business policy and procedures go out the window.

I’m looking forward to a healthy discussion. If we don’t learn from it, we’ve wasted a good opportunity. Please comment on the Rocket MV blog or send me an email at [email protected].

Finally, to support our customers, we recently announced a license relief program. If you have reached your maximum licensing capacity, given the work-at-home mandate due to the Covid-19 pandemic, please contact your Rocket sales contact to see if you can take advantage of temporary licenses at no cost for 90 days.