Rocket multiValue Free Trial Software

Kathy Larson

November 4, 2020

Some of you know them as “personal editions” and others know them as “trials”. But, some of you may not know that Rocket offers free trial versions of our MultiValue (MV) application servers and tools (SB/XA, U2 Toolkit for .NET, U2 DB Tools and U2 Clients).

Whether you want to try the latest and greatest version, such as UniVerse 12.1 or UniData 8.2.2 (both include Python support) or are interested in checking out our new MultiValue Integration Server (MVIS), all you need to do is visit our web site and fill out a form. Be sure to enter your email address correctly, because we use that information to send you an email with important information about the free trial including the link to download the free trial.

Helpful hint: we’ve automated the delivery process of our free trials, but some email servers see this as “spam” or “junk”, so if you don’t get your free trial email within 15 minutes, please check your junk or spam folders. If the email is not there, feel free to contact Rocket technical support or you can email me ([email protected]) and we’ll get the free trial email to you as quickly as we can.

Finally, did you know we also offer the Rocket MultiValue Application Platform – Developer Edition on the AWS Marketplace? This is a great resource if you’re interested in UniVerse, MVIS and the AWS cloud.