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Combating Unconscious Bias Through Blind Recruiting

11 February, 2022
In The News

As companies continue to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion (D&I), they’re also coming to understand the extent to which systemic biases exist in their hiring and HR infrastructures. Recruitment structures and the individuals within them, despite their best efforts, often favor some groups over others.

Something as simple as an applicant’s name or ZIP code can tip off recruitment staff to the person’s likely racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic background or gender. Before an applicant ever comes face-to-face with a recruiter as part of the application process, the recruiter may have already formed an impression of the applicant based on these, and other, factors.

The Potential of Blind Hiring

Biased recruiting, whether conscious or unconscious, can have significant negative impacts on an organization. In an increasingly diverse and multicultural national and global economy, companies that fail to achieve their desired level of D&I may find they can’t compete effectively with companies that succeed in this area.
One strategy companies have explored to address the challenges of bias in the hiring process is known as...Continue reading